Ninject 传递给单元测试的 DI 参数

Ninject DI arguments passing to the unit test

这是我的构造函数,具有 ILogger 依赖性

 public Book(string isbn, string author, string title, string publisher, int publishYear, ushort pageNumber, decimal price, ILogger logger)
        Isbn = isbn;
        Author = author;
        Title = title;
        Publisher = publisher;
        PublishYear = publishYear;
        PageNumber = pageNumber;
        Price = price;
        _logger = logger;

        _logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Book constructor has been invoked");

我的单元测试尝试通过 Ninject 框架解决它

    [TestCase("9783161484100", "Some Name", "C# in a nutshell", "Orelly", 2014, (ushort)900, 60, ExpectedResult = "Some Name Orelly")]
    public string FormatBook_FortmattingBooksObject_IsCorrectString(string isbn, string author, string title, string publisher, int year, ushort pages, decimal price)
        using (IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel())
            var book = kernel.Get<Book>();    

            Console.WriteLine(book.FormatBook(book.Author, book.Publisher));

            return book.FormatBook(book.Author, book.Publisher);




[TestCase("9783161484100", "Some Name", "C# in a nutshell", "Orelly", 2014, (ushort)900, 60, ExpectedResult = "Some Name Orelly")]
public string FormatBook_FortmattingBooksObject_IsCorrectString(string isbn, string author, string title, string publisher, int year, ushort pages, decimal price)
        ILogger fakeLogger = ...; //Create some mock logger for consumption
        var book = new Book(isbn, author, title, publisher, year, pages, price, fakeLogger); 
        Console.WriteLine(book.FormatBook(book.Author, book.Publisher));

        return book.FormatBook(book.Author, book.Publisher);        


[TestCase("9783161484100", "Some Name", "C# in a nutshell", "Orelly", 2014, (ushort)900, 60, ExpectedResult = "Some Name Orelly")]
public string FormatBook_FortmattingBooksObject_IsCorrectString(string isbn, string author, string title, string publisher, int year, ushort pages, decimal price)
    INinjectModule module = ...;//Create a module and add the ILogger here
    using (IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(module))
        var fakeLogger = kernel.Get<ILogger>(); //Get the logger  
        var book = new Book(isbn, author, title, publisher, year, pages, price, fakeLogger); 
        Console.WriteLine(book.FormatBook(book.Author, book.Publisher));

        return book.FormatBook(book.Author, book.Publisher);



How to pass my arguments to the constructor?


    new ConstructorArgument("isbn", "123"), 
    new ConstructorArgument("author", "XYZ")