
Add names into a Multi-linked list

我正在创建一个包含名字、姓氏和 phone 号码的多 link 列表。我有一个为列表分配内存的添加函数,但我不知道如何将 link 名字和姓氏按字母顺序添加到这个列表中。如何添加到多 linked 列表?它与添加到单个 linked 列表有很大不同吗?


typedef struct node {
    char *first;
    char *last;
    long number;
    struct node *nextFirst;
    struct node *nextLast;
} Node;

typedef struct mlist {
    Node *headFirstName;
    Node *headLastName;
} MultiLinkedList;


MultiLinkedList *add(MultiLinkedList *list, char *first, char *last, long num) {
    // allocate a new node
    Node *newNode = malloc ( sizeof(Node) );
    newNode->first = malloc ( strlen(first) + 1 );
    strcpy(newNode->first, first);
    newNode->last = malloc ( strlen(last) + 1 );
    strcpy(newNode->last, last);
    newNode->number = num;
    // add this new node at the head of the "byFirst" list
    newNode->nextFirst = list->headFirstName;
    list->headFirstName = newNode;
    // add this new node at the head of the "byLast" list
    newNode->nextLast = list->headLastName;
    list->headLastName = newNode;
    // return the multi-list object with updated head pointers
    return list;

编辑:我在这里添加了我的添加功能的更新代码,我修改了添加到我用于单个 linked 列表

MultiLinkedList *add(MultiLinkedList *list, char *first, char *last, long num) {

  Node *tempf = list->headFirstName;
  Node *templ = list->headLastName;

  while (tempf && templ) {
    if (strcasecmp(tempf->first, first) == 0 && strcasecmp(templ->last, last) == 0) {
      printf("Error - name %s %s already exists\n", first, last);
      return list;
    tempf = tempf->nextFirst;
    templ = templ->nextLast;

    // allocate a new node
    Node *newNode = malloc ( sizeof(Node) );
    newNode->first = malloc ( strlen(first) + 1 );
    strcpy(newNode->first, first);
    newNode->last = malloc ( strlen(last) + 1 );
    strcpy(newNode->last, last);
    newNode->number = num;
  newNode->nextFirst = NULL;
  newNode->nextLast = NULL;

  if(list == NULL)
    return newNode;
  if(strcasecmp(first, list->headFirstName->first) < 0){
    newNode->nextFirst = list->headFirstName;
    return newNode;
  Node *prevf = list->headFirstName;
  Node *currf = list->headFirstName->nextFirst;
  while(currf && strcasecmp(currf->first, first) < 0){
    prevf = currf;
    currf = currf->nextFirst;
  prevf->nextFirst = newNode;
  newNode->nextFirst = currf;

  if (list == NULL)
    return newNode;
  if (strcasecmp(last, list->headLastName->last) < 0) {
    newNode->nextLast = list->headLastName;
    return newNode;
  Node *prevl = list->headLastName;
  Node *currl = list->headLastName->nextLast;
  while (currl && strcasecmp(currl->last, last) < 0) {
    prevl = currl;
    currl = currl->nextLast;
  prevl->nextLast = newNode;
  newNode->nextLast = currl;

    // add this new node at the head of the "byFirst" list
    newNode->nextFirst = list->headFirstName;
    list->headFirstName = newNode;
  //list->headFirstName = addToFirstNameList(list->headFirstName, newNode);

    // add this new node at the head of the "byLast" list
    newNode->nextLast = list->headLastName;
    list->headLastName = newNode;
  //list->headLastName = addToLastNameList(list->headLastName, newNode);

    // return the multi-list object with updated head pointers
    return list;


