如何通过使用 JPQL 的枚举 属性 或 spring 数据中的条件 Api 获取自定义数据组?

how can I get custom data group by enum property with JPQL or Criteria Api in spring data?


public enum Currency {



我有包含货币的销售实体 属性:

public class Sales {

    private Long id;
    private Merchant merchant;
    private Customer customer;
    private double amount;
    private Currency currency;


示例table 销售数据如下:

| id | merchant_id | customer_id | amount | currency |
|  1 |           2 |           3 |  125.0 | EUR      |
|  2 |           1 |           2 |  135.0 | USD      |
|  3 |           3 |           5 |  140.0 | GBP      |
|  4 |           2 |           8 |   25.0 | USD      |
|  5 |           4 |           8 |   95.0 | EUR      |
|  6 |           6 |           9 |   85.0 | EUR      |
|  7 |           5 |           6 |   90.0 | USD      |
|  8 |           1 |           1 |  225.0 | EUR      |
|  9 |           7 |           2 |  350.0 | GBP      |
|  . |           . |           . |      . | .        |
|  . |           . |           . |      . | .        |
|  . |           . |           . |      . | .        |
|  . |           . |           . |      . | .        |


    public class CustomDataModel{

      private Integer count; //record count
      private double total; // its total amount for specified currency 
      private Currency currency; //  it also could be String, it is doesn't matter  



我想得到结果 List<CustomDataModel> 例如:



我想你想要 List<CustomDataModel> 按货币分组。如果是这样,则无需依赖 merchant_idcustomer_id

您可以在您的存储库中添加以下 @Query 方法,如下所示:

@Query("select new com.demo.spring.domain.CustomDataModel(count(s), sum(s.amount), s.currency) from Sales s group by s.currency")
List<CustomDataModel> getGroupByCurrency();

只需确保将 Integer 转换为 Long,就像在 CustomDataModel class 中的 - private Integer count;private Long count; 并向其添加以下构造函数:

  public CustomDataModel(Long count, double total, Currency currency) {
    this.count = count;
    this.total = total;
    this.currency = currency;

如果你想按商户和客户分组,你可以将上面的group by子句更新为...group by s.currency, s.merchant, s.customer