
How do I stop this algorithm loop?

我试图在我的程序中使用 Negmax 算法。我明白了,但我对算法还是有点怀疑。但是在 currentDepth 达到深度的最大值后,它必须停止这个循环。请帮我解决这个问题?



if(currentGameDepth == maximumGameDepth)

           // I included some methods, but it won't execute to out of the loop
            // I tried to return Mathf.Infinite(), but it is not work..
            // please help me


完整代码如下:- 这里可以看到,有两处添加了NegamaxAlgorithm关键字: Negmax 算法在这里:-

private static float NegamaxAlgorithm(Piece game, float maximumGameDepth, float currentGameDepth, GamesModel moves)
    if(currentGameDepth == maximumGameDepth)

       // I included some methods, but it won't execute to out of the loop
        // I tried to return Mathf.Infinite(), but it is not work..
        // please help me


    bestGameMove = null;
    float bestGameScore = Mathf.NegativeInfinity;
    foreach (GamesModel m in MovesList1)
        Moves move = Piece.AccordaingToEvaluationWhiteSide(m,game);
        float recursedGameScore;
        Moves currentGameMove = move;
        recursedGameScore = NegamaxAlgorithm(game , maximumGameDepth , currentGameDepth + 1, currentGameMove);
        float currentGameScore = -recursedGameScore;
        if (currentGameScore > bestGameScore)
            bestGameScore = currentGameScore;
            bestGameMove = m;
    return bestGameScore;


问题可能是您使用浮点数表示整数深度,并且 == 比较因浮点精度问题而失败。


private static float NegamaxAlgorithm(Piece game, 
     int maximumGameDepth, int currentGameDepth, GamesModel moves)
    if(currentGameDepth >= maximumGameDepth)
        // terminate recursion
        return float.MinValue;
       // ... use recursion to calculate next level ...
       return bestGameScore;
