从 csv 文件填充 iTunes 播放列表

Populate iTunes playlist from csv file

谁能提供一种方法,用格式如下的 csv file/text 文件中的歌曲填充我的播放列表: 歌名,艺术家? 我可以单独为标题做,但不能指定它必须有某个艺术家。


set TheFile to read file "Macintosh HD:Applications:Automator stuff:01b iTunes Scripts:SongList.txt"
tell application "iTunes"
    set thePlaylist to playlist "SongList"
        delete every track of thePlaylist
    end try
    set MySongs to paragraphs of (TheFile) -- read artist names (separated by newlines) from the file
    repeat with AnItem in MySongs -- get all tracks from each artist
        set AnItem to (contents of AnItem)
        if AnItem is not "" then try -- don't bother with empty names
            set MyTracks to (location of file tracks of playlist "Music" whose name is AnItem)
            --can also modify the above from "is" to "contains" or "_begins with_"
            add MyTracks to thePlaylist
        on error errmess -- oopsie (not found, etc)
            log errmess -- just log it
        end try
    end repeat
end tell

好的,明白了!无法弄清楚如何解决其中包含逗号的标题(我有几个),所以我最终使用制表符分隔它们。所以,一旦我有了 tab-separated 文件,这段代码就可以了:

set thisTSVFile to (choose file with prompt "Select the CSV file")

set theList to readTabSeparatedValuesFile(thisTSVFile)

tell application "iTunes"
    set myPlaylist to playlist "Test1"
    set sourcePlaylist to playlist "Music"
end tell

repeat with i from 2 to number of items in readTabSeparatedValuesFile(thisTSVFile)
     --gets first column
    set theName to item 1 of item i of theList
     --gets second
    set theArtist to item 2 of item i of theList
    tell application "iTunes"
        duplicate (some track of sourcePlaylist whose name is theName and artist is theArtist) to myPlaylist
    end tell
    delay 0.1
end repeat

on readTabSeparatedValuesFile(thisTSVFile)
        set dataBlob to (every paragraph of (read thisTSVFile))
        set the tableData to {}
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
        repeat with i from 1 to the count of dataBlob
            set the end of the tableData to (every text item of (item i of dataBlob))
        end repeat
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
        return tableData
    on error errorMessage number errorNumber
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
        error errorMessage number errorNumber
    end try
end readTabSeparatedValuesFile

您可以将 ObjectiveC(或者也可能 Swift)与 XCode 一起使用来完成繁重的工作(解析文件),然后从那里点击 iTunes,尽管它可能比运行 在 iTunes 进程中通过其脚本菜单。

这是一些获取当前曲目的 ObjectiveC 代码;您可以调整该方法以适应更复杂的脚本,例如填充播放列表。

+(NSString *)getTitle {
    return [self runAppleScriptAndReturnResult:@"Tell application \"iTunes\" \nreturn the name of the current track\nend tell"];

+(NSString *)runAppleScriptAndReturnResult:(NSString*)script {
    NSAppleScript *appleScript=[[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"with timeout of 3 seconds\n%@\nend timeout\n", script]];
    return [[appleScript executeAndReturnError:nil] stringValue];