隐写术:如何更改像素阵列的 LSB

Steganography: how to change the LSB of a pixel array

我正在使用 lodePNG 库对 png 图像进行编码,并使用导入的 txt 文件更改像素的 LSB。我已经编译了程序,但我不确定 PNG 文件是否真的根据我的按位运算进行了编码。

lodePNG 库 decodes/encodes 来自 PNG 图像并将像素存储在向量 "image" 中,每个像素 4 个字节,有序 RGBARGBA...,

void decodeOneStep(const char* filename)

      unsigned width, height;

      unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, width, height, filename);

      //if there's an error, display it
      if (error) std::cout << "decoder error " << error << ": " << 
          lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;

该程序采用文本文件和 PNG 文件的命令行参数。我还没有包括对参数的错误检查。

int const MAX_SIZE = 100; 
std::vector<unsigned char> image;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const char* filename;
char* textArray = new char[MAX_SIZE];

std::ifstream textfile;

int numCount = 0;
while (!textfile.eof() && numCount < MAX_SIZE)
    textfile.get(textArray[numCount]); //reading single character from file to array


    filename = argv[2];

    unsigned width = 512, height = 512;
    image.resize(width * height * 4);

    int pixCount = 0; 

    for (int i = 0; i < numCount - 1; i++) {

        std::cout << textArray[i]; 

        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {

            std::cout << ((textArray[i]) & 1); //used to see actual bit value.
            image[pixCount++] |= ((textArray[i]) & 1);
            (textArray[i]) >>= 1; 
        std::cout << std::endl; 

encodeOneStep(filename, image, width, height);

在 for 循环中,我遍历向量中的每个像素并将 LSB 替换为 char 中的一位。由于 char 是 8 个字节,因此 for 循环循环了 8 次。这个程序应该适用于大多数不超过大小的 PNG 图像和文本,但我不确定按位运算是否真的在做任何事情。另外,我怎样才能移动这些位,以便我们将 char 位从 MSB 存储到 LSB?我觉得我理解像素值(位)如何存储在数组中有问题。

编辑:我已经 运行 测试了新的位操作:

    for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j--) {

        //These tests were written to see if the 4-bits of the pixels were actually being replaced.
        //The LSB of the pixel bits are replaced with the MSB of the text character. 

        std::cout <<"Initial pixel 4-bits: " << std::bitset <4>(image[pixCount]) << "  "; 
        std::cout << "MSB of char: " << ((textArray[i] >> j) & 0x01) << " ";
        std::cout << "Pixel LSB replaced: " << ((image[pixCount] & mask) | ((textArray[i] >> j) & 0x01)) << " ";

        image[pixCount] = (image[pixCount] & mask) | ((textArray[i] >> j) & 0x01);

        std::cout << std::endl;



For char 'a' 
Initial pixel 4-bits : 0000 MSB: 0 Pixel LSB replaced: 0
Initial pixel 4-bits : 0001 MSB: 1 Pixel LSB replaced: 1
Initial pixel 4-bits : 0001 MSB: 1 Pixel LSB replaced: 1
Initial pixel 4-bits : 0000 MSB: 0 Pixel LSB replaced: 0
Initial pixel 4-bits : 0000 MSB: 0 Pixel LSB replaced: 0
Initial pixel 4-bits : 0000 MSB: 0 Pixel LSB replaced: 0
Initial pixel 4-bits : 0000 MSB: 0 Pixel LSB replaced: 0
Initial pixel 4-bits : 0001 MSB: 1 Pixel LSB replaced: 1

在嵌入你的秘密位之前,你首先需要清除像素的 lsb。

unsigned char mask = 0xfe;  // in binary 11111110

// and in your loop
image[pixCount] = (image[pixCount] & mask) | (textArray[i] & 1);

如果你想从最高位到最低位嵌入秘密的每个字符的位,你想倒数 j 循环。

for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j--) {
    image[pixCount] = (image[pixCount] & mask) | ((textArray[i] >> j) & 0x01);

Edit:为了解释上面的代码,image[pixCount] & mask 是您的像素和所选掩码值(二进制为 1111110)之间的 AND 运算符,因此结果是lsb 已清除。

(textArray[i] >> j) & 0x01 将你的字符向左移动 j 并且只保留 lsb。如果你算出数学,这就是你得到的

// assume our character has the bits `abcdefgh`

j = 7
(character >> j) & 0x01 = 0000000a & 0x01 = a

j = 6
(character >> j) & 0x01 = 000000ab & 0x01 = b

j = 5
(character >> j) & 0x01 = 00000abc & 0x01 = c

// and so on

j = 0
(character >> j) & 0x01 = abcdefgh & 0x01 = h