8 通过 BFS 拼图

8 Tile Puzzle via BFS

我已经在互联网上进行了深入的搜索,但我还没有找到解决我的问题的方法。我已经(我认为)为滑动方块游戏实现了 BFS。但是,除非状态相差几步,否则它无法解决问题,否则只会导致内存不足错误。 所以我的问题是,我哪里错了? AFAIK 我的代码遵循 BFS 伪代码。

EDIT/NOTE: 我已经逐步调试了调试器,但我还没有发现任何不寻常的地方,但我只是一个新手程序员。

#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// Search Algorithm:  Breadth-First Search 
// Move Generator:  
class State{
    int state[9];

        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
            state[i] = i;

    State(string st){
        for (int i = 0; i < st.length(); i++){
            state[i] = st.at(i) - '0';

    State(const State &st){
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
            state[i] = st.state[i];

    bool operator==(const State& other) {

        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
            if (this->state[i] != other.state[i]){return false;}
        return true;

    bool operator!=(const State& other) {
        return !(*this == other);

    void swap(int x, int y){
        // State b; // blank state
        // for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) // fill blank state with current state
        //  b.state[i] = state[i];

        int t = this->state[x]; // saves value of the value in position x of the state

        this->state[x] = this->state[y]; // swaps value of position x with position y in the state
        this->state[y] = t; // swaps value of position y with saved position x in the state

    int findBlank(){ // finds position in 3x3 of blank tile
        for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
            if (state[i]==0) return i;

    vector<State> blankExpand(){
        int pos = this->findBlank();
        vector<State> vecStates;

        if (pos != 0 && pos != 1 && pos != 2){ // swaps the tile above it
            State newState = State(*this);
            newState.swap(pos,pos - 3);

        if (pos != 6 && pos != 7 && pos != 8){ // swaps the tile above it
            State newState = State(*this);
            newState.swap(pos,pos + 3);

        if (pos != 0 && pos != 3 && pos != 6){ // swaps the tile above it
            State newState = State(*this);
            newState.swap(pos,pos - 1);

        if (pos != 2 && pos != 5 && pos != 8){ // swaps the tile above it
            State newState = State(*this);
            newState.swap(pos,pos + 1);

        return vecStates;

string breadthFirstSearch_with_VisitedList(string const initialState, string const goalState){
    string path;

  clock_t startTime;
  startTime = clock();

  deque<State> nodesToVisit;
  vector<State> visitedList;
  int maxQLength = 0;

    State init(initialState);
    State goal(goalState);

    int count = 0;
    int numOfStateExpansions = 0 ;
    while (!nodesToVisit.empty()){
        if(maxQLength < nodesToVisit.size()){maxQLength = nodesToVisit.size();}

        State cur = nodesToVisit.front();
         //remove front

        if (cur == goal){
            //solution found
            cout << "solved!";

        //Get children
        vector<State> children = cur.blankExpand();

        numOfStateExpansions += children.size();        

        //For each child
        for (State& child : children) {
            for (int i = 0 ; i < 9;i++){
                cout << child.state[i];
            cout << " child" << endl;

          //If already visited ignore
          if (std::find(visitedList.begin(), visitedList.end(), child) != visitedList.end()) {
            // cout << "duplicate" << endl;

          //If not in nodes to Visit
          else if (std::find(nodesToVisit.begin(), nodesToVisit.end(), child) == nodesToVisit.end()) {
            //Add child


    clock_t actualRunningTime = ((float)(clock() - startTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);  
    return path;    


int main(){
    breadthFirstSearch_with_VisitedList("042158367", "123804765");

// 0 4 2
// 1 5 8
// 3 6 7


罪魁祸首是以下搜索: std::find(visitedList.begin(), visitedList.end(), child) != visitedList.end() //and std::find(nodesToVisit.begin(), nodesToVisit.end(), child) == nodesToVisit.end()

这两个都在 O(N) 中执行,这听起来不错,但由于您在每个节点上执行它们,因此结果为 O(N2).

您可以通过对 visitedList 使用 std::unordered_set<> 来解决这个问题。此外,您可以在将节点加入队列后立即将它们添加到 visited_list(而不是在将它们出队时)。这样,您只需执行一次查找。

N.B。您必须专门化 std::hash<State> 才能使用 std::unordered_set.

另一个提示:主循环中的这些 cout << ... 确实会减慢你的速度,因为它们默认强制刷新并与 OS 同步,注释掉这些将使你的程序 运行 快多了。
