Javascript 在新对话框中打开时如何使用 facebook 订阅按钮的事件

Javascript How to use the facebook subscribe event for like button when it open in a new dialog

当我点击 facebook 的赞按钮时,屏幕上有一个弹出窗口,所以我无法使用下面的订阅事件:

FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(url, html_element) 
   // Action here


edge.create and edge.remove JS SDK Events: These Events will no longer be accessible. As an alternative, you can use our Webhooks and be notified every time someone likes one of your Facebook Pages.

检查用户是否喜欢您的主页的唯一方法是向用户授予 user_likes 权限。当然要经过审核才行。