GLib:在 Unix SIGINT 上优雅地终止 GApplication

GLib: Graceful termination of GApplication on Unix SIGINT

当用户在 Posix / Linux shell 中按下 Ctrl+C 时使用程序 运行,该程序接收到 SIGINT 信号。当运行一个基于GApplication的程序时,这意味着该程序会立即终止。

我怎样才能克服这个问题并让 GApplication 正常关闭?

您可以使用 g_unix_signal_add()。一旦程序收到您指定的信号,此函数就会调用一个回调。 (在本例中为 SIGINT)

该回调应调用 g_application_release(),直到 GApplication 的使用计数降为零。一旦出现这种情况,主循环将终止并发出 GApplication 的 shutdown 信号。通过处理该信号,您可以在程序终止之前执行所有必要的取消初始化任务。

(取自reference manual:)

GApplication provides convenient life cycle management by maintaining a "use count" for the primary application instance. The use count can be changed using g_application_hold() and g_application_release(). If it drops to zero, the application exits. Higher-level classes such as GtkApplication employ the use count to ensure that the application stays alive as long as it has any opened windows.

Vala 中的示例:

public class MyApplication : Application {
    public MyApplication () {
        Object (flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);

        startup.connect (on_startup);
        activate.connect (on_activate);
        shutdown.connect (on_shutdown);

        Unix.signal_add (

    private bool on_sigint () {
        release ();
        return Source.REMOVE;

    private void on_startup () {
        print ("Startup\n");

    private void on_activate () {
        print ("command line\n");
        hold ();

    private void on_shutdown () {
        print ("Shutdown\n");

void main (string[] args) {
    new MyApplication ().run ();

(用valac foo.vala --pkg gio-2.0 --pkg posix编译)