
Is there a limit to background execution on desktop?

根据 docs,后台执行的使用时间有限制 (ExtendedExecutionSession)。但是,该页面的某些内容似乎也专门针对移动设备。

它在桌面上可以 运行 的时间有限制吗?

否,除了父句柄的限制。如果用户重新启动,或退出拥有 Window 句柄,没有特定的持久工作流实现,您的后台会话将停止(并且不会再次启动)。


docs you linked 涵盖桌面场景和移动场景。搜索 "desktop",您将找到如下信息:

On desktop devices, extended execution sessions created with ExtendedExecutionReason.Unspecified have a battery-aware time limit. If the device is connected to wall power, there is no limit to the length of the extended execution time period. If the device is on battery power, the extended execution time period can run up to ten minutes in the background.
