
How to fuzify a crispy variable

我阅读了一些有关如何在 FuzzyClips 中模糊化变量的示例。我自己尝试过,但出现了一些奇怪的行为:

(deftemplate age-template
0 100 years ; Universe
(young (15 0.75) (17 1) (19 1)) 
(mature (18 0.75) (25 1) (30 0.25)) 
(adult (30 0.5) (40 1) (50 0.75)) 
(old (40 0.25) (50 0.75) (65 1) )

(deftemplate person

(slot name (type STRING))
(slot age (type INTEGER))
(slot city (type STRING))

(deffacts start
(person (name "John") (age 25) (city "London"))
(person (name "Mike") (age 55) (city "London"))
(person (name "Eva") (age 35) (city "London"))

(defrule fuzzify
    (person (name ?name) (age ?age))
    (assert(age-template (?age 0.0) (?age 1.0) (?age 0.0))) 


(defrule fuzzify
    (person (name ?name)(age ?age))
    (assert (person-is ?name age-template (?age 0.0) (?age 1.0) (?age 0.0)))    

但我收到错误 "a function name must be a symbol"。

所以我解决了。我读到那个了???是一种常见的行为。所以解决方案是: 创建另一个 detemplate,它将是人名及其模糊年龄的结构。在规则的后面,实例化 deftemplate 断言某人的名字模糊年龄。

(deftemplate age-template
0 100 years ; Universe
(young (15 0.75) (17 1) (19 1)) 
(mature (18 0.75) (25 1) (30 0.25)) 
(adult (30 0.5) (40 1) (50 0.75)) 
(old (40 0.25) (50 0.75) (65 1) )

 (deftemplate person

 (slot name (type STRING))
 (slot age (type INTEGER))
 (slot city (type STRING))

 (deftemplate fuzzyfication
 (slot nameperson (type STRING))
 (slot agefuzzy (type FUZZY-VALUE age-template))

  (deffacts start
 (person (name "John") (age 25) (city "London"))
 (person (name "Mike") (age 55) (city "London"))
 (person (name "Eva") (age 35) (city "London"))

 (defrule fuzzify
 (person (name ?name) (age ?age))
 (assert(fuzzyfication (nameperson ?name)(agefuzzy (?age 0.0) (?age 1.0) (?age 0.0)))) 
