无法在 R 中以数字形式写入数据(包 EventStudy)

Cannot write data in numbers in R(package EventStudy)

我正在学习一些示例。(https://www.eventstudytools.com/blog/dieselgate-example-data-preparation) 这是我的公司数据,而不是从 Yahoo 提取数据。

               code       date value
     KS233740Equity 05.12.2016  7225
     KS233740Equity 07.12.2016  7235
     KS233740Equity 06.12.2016  7355
     KS233740Equity 08.12.2016  7395
     KS233740Equity 02.12.2016  7430
     KS233160Equity 05.12.2016  7540
     KS233160Equity 07.12.2016  7605
     KS233740Equity 09.12.2016  7650
     KS233740Equity 01.12.2016  7665
     KS233740Equity 28.11.2016  7680
     KS233160Equity 06.12.2016  7705
     KS233740Equity 30.11.2016  7720
     KS233740Equity 24.11.2016  7750
     KS233740Equity 29.11.2016  7760
     KS233160Equity 08.12.2016  7770
     KS233160Equity 02.12.2016  7800
     KS233740Equity 25.11.2016  7830
     KS233740Equity 12.12.2016  7850
     KS233740Equity 25.01.2017  7855
     KS233740Equity 24.01.2017  7885


firmData %>% 
  dplyr::select(code, date, value) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(date = format(date, "%d.%m.%Y"))        # this is for this specific code
  readr::write_delim(path      = "02_firmDataPrice.csv", 
                     delim     = ";", col_names = F)

key <- "573e58c665fcc08cc6e5a660beaad0cb"
est <- EventStudyAPI$new()
est$authentication(apiKey = key)
esaParams <- EventStudy::ARCApplicationInput$new()

dataFiles <- c("request_file" = "01_requestFile.csv",
               "firm_data"    = "02_firmDataPrice.csv",
               "market_data"  = "03_marketDataPrice.csv")



Error: Column firm is not of type Integer! inherits from numeric not character.

如何正确使用包 "EventStudy"?

(market_data 看起来与 "firmData" 非常相似,制作“01_requestFile.csv”的数据 "request" 如下所示。似乎没有问题,因为还没有。)

"1" "KS233740Equity" "indexData" "04.04.2018" "leverage" "-10" "10" "-11" "250"
"2" "KS233160Equity" "indexData" "04.04.2018" "leverage" "-10" "10" "-11" "250"
"3" "KS278240Equity" "indexData" "04.04.2018" "Other"    "-10" "10" "-11" "250"

我最终使用了他们提供的 Eviews 插件,https://github.com/EventStudyTools/api-wrapper.r/

如果您需要做的只是将数字从 class character 转换为 class numeric,请尝试以下代码。

首先,你有字符,因为你的数据集 request 是 class matrix 的对象,并且在 R 矩阵中只能包含一种类型的数据。所以将矩阵强制转换为data.frame。然后lapply函数as.numeric到相应的列。

request <- as.data.frame(request, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
request[6:9] <- lapply(request[6:9], as.numeric)
#  V1             V2        V3         V4    group  V6 V7  V8  V9
#1  1 KS233740Equity indexData 04.04.2018 leverage -10 10 -11 250
#2  2 KS233160Equity indexData 04.04.2018 leverage -10 10 -11 250
#3  3 KS278240Equity indexData 04.04.2018    Other -10 10 -11 250

然后您可以使用 str 检查 data.frame:

#'data.frame':   3 obs. of  9 variables:
# $ V1   : chr  "1" "2" "3"
# $ V2   : chr  "KS233740Equity" "KS233160Equity" "KS278240Equity"
# $ V3   : chr  "indexData" "indexData" "indexData"
# $ V4   : chr  "04.04.2018" "04.04.2018" "04.04.2018"
# $ group: chr  "leverage" "leverage" "Other"
# $ V6   : num  -10 -10 -10
# $ V7   : num  10 10 10
# $ V8   : num  -11 -11 -11
# $ V9   : num  250 250 250