swift 中的 PayFort 集成

PayFort Integration in swift

无法创建 PAYFORT 沙盒测试 account.Where 我得到了商户标识符号。

  1. 如何注册PAYFORT测试账号
  2. 如何获得merchant_identifier
  3. 如何获得access_code
  4. 如何获得 service_command

我对 PayPort.Please 分享任何与 Swift.From PAYFORT 相关的示例程序没有任何想法,我在其中创建了沙盒测试帐户 “https://www.payfort.com/get-started/”。由此 link,我输入了个人详细信息,完成详细信息后尝试登录 PAYFORT,但无法登录。

我一直面临类似的问题,因此给 PayFort 支持团队发了邮件。这是我得到的回复:

Good afternoon and thank you for contacting PayFort.

Please be advised that in order for you to have the account created in the SANDBOX (https://testfort.payfort.com) environment, the first contact has to be initiated by one of our Pre-Qualifications team members after receiving a documented request in a form of registration from our website. (www.payfort.com)

The pre-qualification stage entails knowing the company/ organization's business and requirements. Qualifications are as follows:

The company has a legal setup in the countries mentioned on our website. The company's business module is supported by PayFort.

For more information about the businesses we support and countries, please click on this link: http://www.payfort.com/payfort-faqs/

After the qualification stage, one of our Sales Representative will get in touch with you to get a deeper view of the business so as to suggest the payment solution that would suit your requirements.

Then only the TEST/SANDBOX account is created by our team to start the Integration process.

If you wish to proceed, please kindly register on the above link or send a direct email to sales-uae@payfort.com.

通过提供您的公司信息在 https://www.payfort.com/get-started/ 上注册您自己,然后等待来自 PayFort 的电子邮件。他们会向您发送有关您的测试帐户的信息。

您可以在 https://testfort.payfort.com and find your access code and merchant identifier from "Integeration Settings" menu and "Security Settings" option. you can also see the attached image 上登录您的测试帐户,这样您就可以轻松找到访问代码和商户标识符。

service_command 是大写字母的静态值 "PURCHASE"。