
How to restart app when source code modified in pyramid python framework?



此变量适用于模板,但不适用于源代码。 我想重新启动项目作为修改为 nodemon npm 包的代码。 谢谢


有关示例代码段,请参阅 here。这最初取自 CherryPy 项目。

来自 Reloading Code 上的 Pyramid 文档(为了相关性而删减):

During development, it's often useful to run pserve using its --reload option. When --reload is passed to pserve, changes to any Python module your project uses will cause the server to restart. This typically makes development easier, as changes to Python code made within a Pyramid application is not put into effect until the server restarts.

$VENV/bin/pserve development.ini --reload

Changes to template files (such as .pt or .mak files) won't cause the server to restart. Changes to template files don't require a server restart as long as the pyramid.reload_templates setting in the development.ini file is true. Changes made to template files when this setting is true will take effect immediately without a server restart.