RethinkDB:​​Javascript - 如何删除嵌套对象

RethinkDB: Javascript - How to deleted nested objects

我在尝试从我的 table 中删除嵌套对象时遇到了相当大的困难,而没有意外删除我在这个过程中的所有数据(现在发生了三次,感谢上帝我制作了副本) .


  "value1": thing,
  "value2": thing,
  "value3": thing,
  "roles": {
    "1": {
      "name": "Dave",
      "id": "1"
    "2": {
      "name": "Jeff",
      "id": "2"
    "3": {
      "name": "Rick",
      "id": "3"
    "4": {
      "name": "Red",
      "id": "4"

我尝试了一些重新思考的查询,但 none 到目前为止都有效。应该注意的是,1、2、3 和 4 是可以包含任意数量数字的变量,因此我的查询必须反映这一点。


function removeRole(id, roleName) {
        let role = `${roleName}`
        return this.r.table('guilds').get(id).replace(function(s){
            return s.without({roles : {[role] : { "name": role }}})
function removeRole(id, roleName) {
        return this.r.table('guilds').getAll(id).filter(this.r.replace(this.r.row.without(roleName))).run()
function removeRole(id, roleName) {
        return this.r.table('guilds').get(id)('roles')(roleName).delete()



  .replace((doc) => {
    // This expression makes sure that we delete the specified keys only
    const roleKeys = doc
      // Make sure we have a role name is in the names array
      .filter(role => r.expr(names).contains(role.getField('name')))
      // This is a bit tricky, and I believe I implemented this in a not efficient
      // way probably missing a first-class RethinkDB expression that supports
      // such a case out of box. Since we are going to delete by nested dynamic
      // ids, RethinkDB requires special syntax to denote nested ids:
      //     {roles: {ID_1: true, ID_2: true}}
      // Well, this is just a JavaScript syntax workaround, so we're building
      // such an object dynamically using fold.
      .fold({}, (acc, role) => acc.merge(r.object(role.getField('id'), true)));
    return doc.without({roles: roleKeys});

例如,如果 names 是一个数组,比如 ['Jeff', 'Rick'],嵌套的 roleKeys 表达式将被动态计算为:

{2: true, 3: true}


  "value1": ...,
  "value2": ...,
  "value3": ...,
  "roles": {
    "1": {"name": "Dave", "id": "1"},
    "4": {"name": "Red", "id": "4"}