如何通过传递表单上所有控件的方法更新 ToolStripStatusLabel 文本

How to update ToolStripStatusLabel Text from a method passing all the controls on the form

我有一种方法可以重置表单上的某些控件。除了名为 "tsStatusLabelInfo" 的 ToolStripStatusLabel 之外,我能够使用该方法。此控件未传递给 resetForm() 方法。

我相信它是 StatusStrip 控件的一部分,但我还不知道如何访问 ToolStripStatusLabel 控件来更新文本。

private void resetButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

public static void resetForm(Control form)
    foreach(Control c in GetOffSprings(form))
        if (c.Name == "folderTextBox")
        else if (c.Name == "mfrListTextBox")
        else if (c.Name == "mfrListDataGridView")
            ((DataGridView)c).DataSource = null;
        else if (c.Name == "onlyRadioButton")
            ((RadioButton)c).Checked = true;
        else if (c.Name == "usRadioButton")
            ((RadioButton)c).Checked = true;
        else if (c.Name == "otherYearsCheckedListBox")
            ((CheckedListBox)c).SetItemCheckState(0, CheckState.Unchecked);
            ((CheckedListBox)c).SetItemCheckState(1, CheckState.Unchecked);
        else if (c.Name == "yearComboBox")
            ((ComboBox)c).Text = string.Empty;
        else if (c.Name == "tsStatusLabelInfo")
            //Control never pass
        else if (c.Name == "statusStrip1")
            // Exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an object
            ((StatusStrip)c).Controls["tsStatusLabelInfo"].Text = string.Empty;

//Loop through the control recursively getting all child controls
public static IEnumerable<Control> GetOffSprings(this Control @this)
    foreach(Control child in @this.Controls)
        yield return child;


        foreach (var offspring in GetOffSprings(child))
            yield return offspring;


Controls 集合未在 ToolStripToolStripContainer 上使用。您应该改用 Itemshttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.toolstrip.items(v=vs.110).aspx

工具条上的项目不是 Control 对象。它们是 ToolStripItem 个对象。递归循环遍历 Controls 集合不会让您访问这些项目。