如何使用 RserveCLI2 从 R 到 C# 获取数据帧

How to get a dataframe from R to C# using RserveCLI2

我正在尝试使用包 RServeCLI2 从 R 环境获取数据帧到 C#。我似乎无法找到正确的方法。不应该这么难。

在 C# 中我做了:

using System;
using RserveCLI2;

class TestMain
         public static void Main(string[] args)
            var r = RConnection.Connect(new System.Net.IPAddress(new byte[] { 127, 0, 0, 1 }), port: 6311);

            r.VoidEval("options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)");
            r.VoidEval("samplePOSIXct <- as.POSIXct(c('2018-03-28 01:45:00', '2018-03-23 02:00:00', '2018-03-22 03:00:00'))");
            r.VoidEval("sampleDate <- as.Date(c('2018-03-24', '2018-02-05', '2018-01-30'))");
            r.VoidEval("sampleLogical <- as.logical(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))");
            r.VoidEval("sampleNumeric <- as.numeric(c(1,NA,5))");
            r.VoidEval("sampleCharacter <- as.character(c('ik', 'wil', 'bolletje'))");
            r.VoidEval("df <- data.frame(samplePOSIXct, sampleDate, sampleLogical, sampleNumeric, sampleCharacter)");

            Sexp dataset = r["df"];

            for (int rows = 0; rows < dataset.Attributes.Count; rows++)
                for (int cols = 0; cols < dataset.Names.Length; cols++)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Col: {0}, Row: {1}",
                        dataset.Names[cols], dataset.AsDictionary[dataset.Names[cols]]));
            var exit = Console.ReadLine();


#Col: samplePOSIXct, Row: 1522194300 1521766800 152168400
#Col: sampleDate, Row: 24-03-2018 05-02-2018 30-01-2018


#Ideal output
#Col: samplePOSIXct Row: 1522194300
#Col: samplePOSIXct Row: 1521766800
#Col: samplePOSIXct Row: 1521684000
#Col: sampleDate Row: 24-03-2018

我已经找到答案了,可能是一个hacky,但我对此很满意。我在第一个循环中提取了数据帧的每一列,方法是将其放入 IList<object>,并在第二个循环中提取每个值。

Sexp dataset = r["df"];

for(int cols = 0; cols < dataset.Names.Length; cols++)
    IList<object> datasetL = r[$"df[,{cols + 1}]"].AsList;
    for(int rows = 0; rows < dataset.Attributes.Count; rows++)
        Console.WriteLine($"Col: {dataset.Names[cols]}, Row: {datasetL[rows].ToString()}");


#Col: samplePOSIXct, Row: 1522194300
#Col: samplePOSIXct, Row: 1521766800
#Col: samplePOSIXct, Row: 1521684000
#Col: sampleDate, Row: 17614
