在 nasm assembly intel x86 中获取数字而不是 Ascii

Getting digit instead of Ascii in nasm assembly intel x86


section .data
    num1 db 1,2,3,4,5
    num2 db 1,2,3,4,5

    output: db 'The dot product is "'
    outputLen1 : equ $-output
    output2: db '" in Hex!', 10
    output2Len : equ $-output2

section .bss
    dotProd resw 1  ; store dot product in here

section .text
        global _start

                mov eax, 0
                mov ecx, 5
                mov edi, 0
                mov esi, 0
looper:         mov ax, [edi + num1]
                mov dx, [esi + num2]
                mul dx
                add [dotProd], ax
                cmp cx, 1
                je printOutput
                inc edi
                inc esi
                dec cx
                jmp looper  ; go back to looper


            mov eax,4            ; The system call for write (sys_write)
            mov ebx,1            ; File descriptor 1 - standard output
            mov ecx, output      ; 
            mov edx, outputLen1  ; 
            int 80h              ; Call the kernel

            mov eax, 4
            mov ebx, 1
            mov ecx, dotProd,
            mov edx, 1
            int 80h

            mov eax, 4
            mov ebx, 1
            mov ecx, output2,
            mov edx, output2Len
            int 80h           

            jmp done
            mov eax,1            ; The system call for exit (sys_exit)
            mov ebx,0            ; Exit with return code of 0 (no error)
            int 80h

我想做的是获取两个数字列表的点积并将其显示在屏幕上。但是,我不断收到随机字母,我认为这些字母是真实十进制值的十六进制表示。我怎样才能把它转换成十进制?当前值显示为 7,这应该是 55 的等效 ASCII 字符,在本例中是两个数字列表的点积。

  • esiedi 以使其指向数组的下一个元素。(在这个特定示例中,只有其中一个就足够了)。
  • mun1num2 声明为 dd,而不是 db(参见 here)。 另外,你必须有打印数字的方法。(见this and this)。

下面是使用 printf.

;assemble and link with:
;nasm -f elf test.asm && gcc -m32 -o test test.o
extern printf
%macro push_reg 0
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
%macro pop_reg 0
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
section .data
    num1: dd 1,2,3,4,5
    num2: dd 1,2,3,4,5
    msg: db "Dot product is %d",10,0

section .bss
    dotProd resd 1  ; store dot product in here

section .text
        global main

                mov eax, 0
                mov ecx, 5
                mov edx, 0
                mov esi, 0
                mov dword[dotProd], 0h
looper:         mov eax, dword[esi + num1]
                mov edx, dword[esi + num2]
                mul edx

                add [dotProd], eax

                cmp cx, 1
                je printOutput
                add esi,4
                dec cx

                jmp looper  ; go back to looper


        push dword[dotProd]
        push dword msg
        call printf
        add esp,8

        jmp done
        mov eax,1            ; The system call for exit (sys_exit)
        mov ebx,0            ; Exit with return code of 0 (no error)
        int 80h