递归函数中的类型匹配和 IO 问题
Trouble with type matching and IO in a recursive function
我遇到了一些问题,找不到原因。我目前正在使用最新版本的 GHCi 便携式 - 但面对事实:这是我第一次使用 Haskell,所以像往常一样,问题可能出在用户身上,而不是系统...
- 我不确定我是否正确区分了
let x = 0
和 x <- 0
。我知道 let
- 我的类型不匹配,即
和 (String,[Char])
(有时还有其他...)。编译器告诉我 String
是预期的,尽管我明确地将函数定义为 (String,String)
- 递归没有按预期工作(即显然根本不工作)。如果有人能帮助我,我将不胜感激。
我正在尝试编写一个小程序来实现接受单词的有限状态机。这意味着它需要一组状态,其中之一是开始状态、接受状态列表和一些转换规则。 (表示可能的输入和状态的字母有些隐含。)我不想在这里详细介绍 FSM。
但是,这就是我想出的一种定义此类 FSM 的方法:
("start", [('a',"a"), ('_',"reject")]),
("a", [ ('b',"b"), ('c',"c"), ('_',"reject")]),
("b", [ ('b',"b"), ('_',"reject")]),
("c", [ ('c',"c"), ('_',"reject")]),
("reject", [ ('_',"reject")])
在第一行中,我们对 FSM 应该接受的内容进行了简短描述(在本例中以正则表达式的形式)。只用于显示一次。
以下所有行都是转换规则。在此示例中,如果我们处于状态 "start" 并读取输入 'a',则下一个状态为 "a",如果我们读取其他任何内容,则为 "reject"。 (我知道我还没有实现“_”,意思是 else,如果读取未定义转换的输入,程序将崩溃。)
module FSM where
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr "Enter file name: "
fileName <- getLine
(description, startState, acceptingStates, stateTransitions) <- (readDef fileName)
putStrLn ("FSM description: " ++ description)
putStr "Enter FSM input: "
input <- getLine
let input = reverse input
putStrLn "----------------"
let (finalState, oldStates) = changeState input startState stateTransitions
putStrLn (oldStates ++ finalState)
checkAcception finalState acceptingStates
--reads the specified .fsm file and returns
-- the description of the FSM (first line),
-- the start state (second line),
-- the list of accepting states (third line),
-- and the list of tuples containing all states and transitions (remaining lines)
readDef :: String -> IO (String, String, [String], [(String, [(Char,String)])])
readDef fileName = do
contents <- readFile (fileName ++ ".fsm")
let lineList = lines contents
let description = read (head lineList)
let startState = read (lineList !! 1)
let acceptingStates = read (lineList !! 2)
let stateTransitions = read (filter (/='\t') (concat (drop 3 lineList)))
return (description, startState, acceptingStates, stateTransitions)
--recursive function that takes the input, start state, and state transitions
--and computes the new state by a call to itself with the old state and a part of the input
changeState :: String -> String -> [(String, [(Char,String)])] -> (String, String)
changeState startState [] _ = (startState, "")
changeState startState (x:xs) stateTransitions = do
let (currentState, oldStates) = changeState xs startState stateTransitions
let newState = findKey x (findKey currentState stateTransitions)
let oldStates = (oldStates ++ currentState ++ " -(" ++ [x] ++ ")-> ")
return (newState, oldStates)
--helper function to find a key in a list of tuples and return the corresponding value
--(because we are not using the map notation in the .fsm file)
findKey :: (Eq k) => k -> [(k,v)] -> v
findKey key xs = snd . head . filter (\(k,v) -> key == k) $ xs
--checks for a given state whether or not it is in the list of accepting states
checkAcception :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
checkAcception finalState acceptingStates = do
let accept = any (==finalState) acceptingStates
if accept
then putStrLn "Input accepted!!"
else putStrLn "Input rejected!!"
,效果很好)。然后系统会提示他输入一些 FSM 工作的输入。
递归 changeState
最后,显示状态和转换序列,并检查最终状态是否为接受状态 (checkAcceptance
现在,不要试图优化我写的东西。我知道,可以改进定义的建模方式,并且可以使用一些高阶 Haskell foo 将我写的许多行写得更短。但是请帮我解决上面列出的问题(当然还要帮我让它工作)。
最后一件事:我正在为我大学的一个研讨会尝试一些 Haskell,所以如果软件架构组的某个人用 google 搜索我的代码并读到这个:嗨 :)
您只需将 changeState
changeState startState (x:xs) stateTransitions =
let (currentState, oldStates) = changeState xs startState stateTransitions
newState = findKey x (findKey currentState stateTransitions)
oldStates2 = (oldStates ++ currentState ++ " -(" ++ [x] ++ ")-> ")
in (newState, oldStates2)
我们 1) 删除了 do,2) 合并了 let 子句和 3) 重命名了第二次出现的 oldState 变量到 oldState2。在 Haskell 中,我们不重新定义变量——我们只是创建一个具有新名称的变量。完整代码可在此处获得:http://lpaste.net/118404
(new, old) = changeState ...
你是说 changeState 是一个纯函数。如果你用 do ... return (...)
定义 changeState
你说它是一个单子计算,当你调用它时你需要在 do
块中使用箭头 <-
(new, old) <- changeState ...
问题是 do
表示法和 return
函数并不像您认为的那样工作。在 Haskell 中:return
并不表示函数应该结束(尽管它最常见于函数的结尾);它只是意味着参数应该包含在 Monad
中。因为应用了所有参数的函数类型是 (String,String) 编译器认为您正在尝试使用这样的东西:(没有 GHC 扩展实际上不会编译,如果使用会抛出异常,因为我使用 undefined
instance Monad ((,) String) where
(>>=) = undefined :: (String,a) -> (a -> (String,b)) -> (String,b)
return = undefined :: a -> (String,a)
但是编译器已经知道 (String,String) -> (String,String)
与 a -> (String,a)
解决这个问题揭示了另一个问题:你在同一个函数中定义了两次 oldStates
,这在 Haskell 中不起作用,除非这两个定义在不同的范围内。
changeState :: String -> String -> [(String, [(Char,String)])] -> (String, String)
changeState startState [] _ = (startState, "")
changeState startState (x:xs) stateTransitions = let
(currentState, oldStates) = changeState xs startState stateTransitions
newState = findKey x (findKey currentState stateTransitions)
oldStates' = (oldStates ++ currentState ++ " -(" ++ [x] ++ ")-> ")
in (newState, oldStates')
我遇到了一些问题,找不到原因。我目前正在使用最新版本的 GHCi 便携式 - 但面对事实:这是我第一次使用 Haskell,所以像往常一样,问题可能出在用户身上,而不是系统...
- 我不确定我是否正确区分了
let x = 0
和x <- 0
与副作用(IO)一起使用?请有人再给我解释一下。 - 我的类型不匹配,即
。这是怎么回事?我是不是在某个地方弄错了模式匹配? - 递归没有按预期工作(即显然根本不工作)。如果有人能帮助我,我将不胜感激。
我正在尝试编写一个小程序来实现接受单词的有限状态机。这意味着它需要一组状态,其中之一是开始状态、接受状态列表和一些转换规则。 (表示可能的输入和状态的字母有些隐含。)我不想在这里详细介绍 FSM。
但是,这就是我想出的一种定义此类 FSM 的方法:
("start", [('a',"a"), ('_',"reject")]),
("a", [ ('b',"b"), ('c',"c"), ('_',"reject")]),
("b", [ ('b',"b"), ('_',"reject")]),
("c", [ ('c',"c"), ('_',"reject")]),
("reject", [ ('_',"reject")])
在第一行中,我们对 FSM 应该接受的内容进行了简短描述(在本例中以正则表达式的形式)。只用于显示一次。
以下所有行都是转换规则。在此示例中,如果我们处于状态 "start" 并读取输入 'a',则下一个状态为 "a",如果我们读取其他任何内容,则为 "reject"。 (我知道我还没有实现“_”,意思是 else,如果读取未定义转换的输入,程序将崩溃。)
module FSM where
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr "Enter file name: "
fileName <- getLine
(description, startState, acceptingStates, stateTransitions) <- (readDef fileName)
putStrLn ("FSM description: " ++ description)
putStr "Enter FSM input: "
input <- getLine
let input = reverse input
putStrLn "----------------"
let (finalState, oldStates) = changeState input startState stateTransitions
putStrLn (oldStates ++ finalState)
checkAcception finalState acceptingStates
--reads the specified .fsm file and returns
-- the description of the FSM (first line),
-- the start state (second line),
-- the list of accepting states (third line),
-- and the list of tuples containing all states and transitions (remaining lines)
readDef :: String -> IO (String, String, [String], [(String, [(Char,String)])])
readDef fileName = do
contents <- readFile (fileName ++ ".fsm")
let lineList = lines contents
let description = read (head lineList)
let startState = read (lineList !! 1)
let acceptingStates = read (lineList !! 2)
let stateTransitions = read (filter (/='\t') (concat (drop 3 lineList)))
return (description, startState, acceptingStates, stateTransitions)
--recursive function that takes the input, start state, and state transitions
--and computes the new state by a call to itself with the old state and a part of the input
changeState :: String -> String -> [(String, [(Char,String)])] -> (String, String)
changeState startState [] _ = (startState, "")
changeState startState (x:xs) stateTransitions = do
let (currentState, oldStates) = changeState xs startState stateTransitions
let newState = findKey x (findKey currentState stateTransitions)
let oldStates = (oldStates ++ currentState ++ " -(" ++ [x] ++ ")-> ")
return (newState, oldStates)
--helper function to find a key in a list of tuples and return the corresponding value
--(because we are not using the map notation in the .fsm file)
findKey :: (Eq k) => k -> [(k,v)] -> v
findKey key xs = snd . head . filter (\(k,v) -> key == k) $ xs
--checks for a given state whether or not it is in the list of accepting states
checkAcception :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
checkAcception finalState acceptingStates = do
let accept = any (==finalState) acceptingStates
if accept
then putStrLn "Input accepted!!"
else putStrLn "Input rejected!!"
,效果很好)。然后系统会提示他输入一些 FSM 工作的输入。
递归 changeState
最后,显示状态和转换序列,并检查最终状态是否为接受状态 (checkAcceptance
现在,不要试图优化我写的东西。我知道,可以改进定义的建模方式,并且可以使用一些高阶 Haskell foo 将我写的许多行写得更短。但是请帮我解决上面列出的问题(当然还要帮我让它工作)。
最后一件事:我正在为我大学的一个研讨会尝试一些 Haskell,所以如果软件架构组的某个人用 google 搜索我的代码并读到这个:嗨 :)
您只需将 changeState
changeState startState (x:xs) stateTransitions =
let (currentState, oldStates) = changeState xs startState stateTransitions
newState = findKey x (findKey currentState stateTransitions)
oldStates2 = (oldStates ++ currentState ++ " -(" ++ [x] ++ ")-> ")
in (newState, oldStates2)
我们 1) 删除了 do,2) 合并了 let 子句和 3) 重命名了第二次出现的 oldState 变量到 oldState2。在 Haskell 中,我们不重新定义变量——我们只是创建一个具有新名称的变量。完整代码可在此处获得:http://lpaste.net/118404
(new, old) = changeState ...
你是说 changeState 是一个纯函数。如果你用 do ... return (...)
定义 changeState
你说它是一个单子计算,当你调用它时你需要在 do
块中使用箭头 <-
(new, old) <- changeState ...
问题是 do
表示法和 return
函数并不像您认为的那样工作。在 Haskell 中:return
并不表示函数应该结束(尽管它最常见于函数的结尾);它只是意味着参数应该包含在 Monad
中。因为应用了所有参数的函数类型是 (String,String) 编译器认为您正在尝试使用这样的东西:(没有 GHC 扩展实际上不会编译,如果使用会抛出异常,因为我使用 undefined
instance Monad ((,) String) where
(>>=) = undefined :: (String,a) -> (a -> (String,b)) -> (String,b)
return = undefined :: a -> (String,a)
但是编译器已经知道 (String,String) -> (String,String)
与 a -> (String,a)
解决这个问题揭示了另一个问题:你在同一个函数中定义了两次 oldStates
,这在 Haskell 中不起作用,除非这两个定义在不同的范围内。
changeState :: String -> String -> [(String, [(Char,String)])] -> (String, String)
changeState startState [] _ = (startState, "")
changeState startState (x:xs) stateTransitions = let
(currentState, oldStates) = changeState xs startState stateTransitions
newState = findKey x (findKey currentState stateTransitions)
oldStates' = (oldStates ++ currentState ++ " -(" ++ [x] ++ ")-> ")
in (newState, oldStates')