通过不同于 bimap 键类型的类型查找 boost::bimaps::bimap 中的元素

Finding an element in boost::bimaps::bimap by different type than bimap key type


#include <boost/bimap/bimap.hpp>
#include <boost/bimap/unordered_multiset_of.hpp>
#include <string>

using namespace boost::bimaps;
using namespace boost;

struct Example
    uint64_t id;

struct ExampleHash
    uint64_t operator()(const Example& item) const
        return item.id;

    uint64_t operator()(const uint64_t item) const
        return item;

struct ExampleEq
    bool operator()(const Example& l, const Example& r) const
        return l.id == r.id;

    bool operator()(const uint64_t l, const Example& r) const
       return l == r.id;

    bool operator()(const Example& l, const uint64_t r) const
        return operator()(r, l);

using BM = bimaps::bimap<
    unordered_multiset_of<Example, ExampleHash, ExampleEq>

int main() {
    BM bm;
    bm.insert(BM::value_type("First", Example{1}));

    auto it = bm.right.find(1u);

    return 0;

根据boost documentation

template< class CompatibleKey >
iterator find(const CompatibleKey & x);

如果 (CompatibleKey, Hash, Pred) 是 (Hash, Pred) 的兼容扩展,则称类型 CompatibleKey 是 (Hash, Pred) 的兼容键。这意味着 Hash 和 Pred 接受 CompatibleKey 类型的参数,这通常意味着它们有多个对应的 operator() 成员函数的重载。

所以我认为 auto it = bm.right.find(1u); 会起作用。不幸的是,这会产生一个编译错误:

error: no match for call to (boost::bimaps::container_adaptor::detail::key_to_base_identity<Example, const Example>) (const long unsigned int&)

我的问题是,是否可以使用与 bimap 键类型不同的 CompatibleKey?我已经尝试过 boost headers,不幸的是,实现太复杂了,我无法理解正在发生的事情。


然而,在 long 阅读和测试之后,我看不出代码如何真正支持它。更何况还有这个签名:

template< class CompatibleKey >
  bool replace_key(iterator position, const CompatibleKey & x);

根据其文档,这需要 "CompatibleKey can be assigned to key_type"。这与之前看到的 "minimal requirements" 明显矛盾。


  • want to efficiently overcome mismatch between key types in a map in Boost.Interprocess shared memory
  • 这些评论让我回到 How to overload the assignment operator for strings that use custom allocator,其中也有一些评论导致
  • https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/10678 具体说:

WONTFIX In order to deal with compatible keys for hashed indices, you'd need not only transparent equality comparison but also some sort of transparent hash functor such as

struct generic_hash
  template<typename T>
  std::size_t operator()(const T& x)const
     boost::hash<T> h;
     return h(x);

but using this is tricky (and dangerous):

> c{"hello"};

std::cout<<*(c.find("hello"))<<"\n"; // crash

The reason for the problem is: hashing a std::string does not yield the same value has hashing a const char*, so c.find("hello") does not find the string "hello". This is why ​N3657 applies only to associative containers and has not been extended to unordered associative containers.

As for std::less<void>, I'm sympathetic to your proposal but would prefer to go in line with the standard, which decided for std::less<void> to be explicitly provided by the user rather than the default.

我有点不好意思在那里找到我自己 2014 年的评论:)

我不知道 Boost.Bimap,但使用 Boost.MultiIndex 的等效构造按预期工作:

Live On Coliru

#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

using namespace boost::multi_index;
using namespace boost;

struct Example
    uint64_t id;

struct ExampleHash
    uint64_t operator()(const Example& item) const
        return item.id;

    uint64_t operator()(const uint64_t item) const
        return item;

struct ExampleEq
    bool operator()(const Example& l, const Example& r) const
        return l.id == r.id;

    bool operator()(const uint64_t l, const Example& r) const
       return l == r.id;

    bool operator()(const Example& l, const uint64_t r) const
        return operator()(r, l);

using BM_value_type=std::pair<std::string,Example>;

using BM = multi_index_container<
        hashed_non_unique<member<BM_value_type, std::string, &BM_value_type::first>>,

int main() {
    BM bm;
    bm.insert(BM::value_type("First", Example{1}));

    auto it = bm.get<1>().find(1u);

    std::cout<<it->second.id<<"\n"; // 1

    return 0;

您可能想使用 Boost.Bimap 提交工单(这对我来说绝对是个错误)。