Angular 5:显示来自服务器响应的 html AND xml

Angular 5: Display html AND xml from server response

我有一个场景,我需要显示来自服务器发送的相同字符串的 html 和 xml。


This is sample text with <b>bold text</b> and also some xml like this <note><to>you</to><from>me</from><heading>title</heading><body>message</body></note>. As you can see it contains both xml to display and html to render.


msg = 'This is sample text with <b>bold text</b> and also some xml like this <note><to>you</to><from>me</from><heading>title</heading><body>message</body></note>. As you can see it contains both xml to display and html to render.'

constructor(private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer) {

ngOnInit() {
    this.text = this.getInnerHTMLValue();

getInnerHTMLValue() {
    return this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(this.msg);


<pre [innerText]="text"></pre>


SafeValue must use [property]=binding:...

当我使用 [innerHTML] 而不是 [innerText] 时,xml 已被清除。

如何显示示例 xml 代码以及解析 html 标签,例如 <b> 标签? 至少我怎样才能摆脱那个错误?

恐怕这不可能。看看 WC3 specs:

User agents must treat elements and attributes that they do not understand as semantically neutral; leaving them in the DOM (for DOM processors), and styling them according to CSS (for CSS processors), but not inferring any meaning from them.

意思是,尽管您的浏览器不知道这些元素,但它们将是 dom 的一部分,因此不会显示在文本中。

您唯一的解决方案是编码除 <b><i>、...之外的所有标签:<note> -> &#x3C;note&#x3E; 或使用 markdown 之类的东西格式化。

作为最简单的解决方法,只需使用 msg 而无需按原样进行消毒:


因为它不会被解释,所以没有必要进行消毒。 (当然,像 <b> 这样的标签也不会被解释。)