Twilio 试用帐户没有语音转文本功能

Twilio trail account do not have speech-to-text feature

我有一个 twilio trail 帐号。 我想知道trail账号是否关闭了语音识别功能

我尝试使用 Gather 动词来捕捉语音。但它不起作用。


这里是 Twilio 开发人员布道者。

我认为这里的问题是调用的 <Gather> is not setup to hear the caller if they start speaking during the <Say> 部分。

您共享的代码中的 TwiML 看起来有点像这样:

  <Say>Welcome to Twilio, please tell us why you're calling</Say>
  <Gather input="speech" timeout="5" action=""></Gather>

因此,<Gather> 只有在 <Say> 完成后才开始收听。

相反,您应该 nest the <Say> within the <Gather> 像这样制作 TwiML:

  <Gather input="speech" timeout="5" action="">
    <Say>Welcome to Twilio, please tell us why you're calling</Say>


Say say = new Say.Builder("Welcome to Twilio, please tell us why you're calling").build();  
Gather gather = new Gather.Builder().input(Gather.Input.SPEECH).timeout(5).action("").say(say).build();       
VoiceResponse response = new VoiceResponse.Builder().gather(gather).build();



我还认为您在 return XML 时需要设置内容类型。我不是 Spring/Java 开发人员,但我认为您需要更改以下内容

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/recordTheSpeech", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<String> recordTheSpeech() throws IOException {
    Say say = new Say.Builder("Welcome to Twilio, please tell us why you're calling").build();
    Gather gather = new Gather.Builder().input(Gather.Input.SPEECH).timeout(5).action("").say(say).build();
    VoiceResponse response = new VoiceResponse.Builder().gather(gather).build();

    return new ResponseEntity.ok().body(response.toXml());