使用带有引用和承诺的嵌套模式保存和查找 Mongoose 文档

Saving and Finding Mongoose Documents with Nested Schemata with Refs and Promises

我有一个相当简单的问题。我正在尝试保存其架构包含嵌套架构引用的文档,并且该架构引用包含另一个架构引用。但是,当我去检索该文档时,它不包括(必需的)嵌套字段,除非我在同一个查询中填充它。但是,即使我填充了查询,第二个嵌套文档也没有填充。关于 refs 在 mongoose 中的工作方式,我是否误解了一些基本的东西?

JavaScript 和下面的 LiveScript 示例代码和输出。


  var mongoose, bookSchemaObj, authorSchemaObj, agentSchemaObj, bookSchema, authorSchema, agentSchema, Book, Author, Agent, testBookObj, testAuthorObj, testAgentObj, testAgent, testAuthor, testBook;
  mongoose = require("mongoose-bird")(require("mongoose"));
  bookSchemaObj = {
    author: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: "Author",
      required: true
    pubYear: {
      type: Number
  authorSchemaObj = {
    name: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    agent: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
      ref: "Agent",
      required: true
  agentSchemaObj = {
    name: {
      type: String,
      required: true
  bookSchema = new mongoose.Schema(bookSchemaObj);
  authorSchema = new mongoose.Schema(authorSchemaObj);
  agentSchema = new mongoose.Schema(agentSchemaObj);
  Book = mongoose.model("Book", bookSchema);
  Author = mongoose.model("Author", authorSchema);
  Agent = mongoose.model("Agent", agentSchema);
  testBookObj = {
    pubYear: 2001
  testAuthorObj = {
    name: "John P. Doe"
  testAgentObj = {
    name: "Alfred O. Thompson"
  testAgent = new Agent(testAgentObj);
  testAuthor = new Author(testAuthorObj);
  testBook = new Book(testBookObj);
  testAuthor.agent = testAgent._id;
  testBook.author = testAuthor._id;
    return testAuthor.saveAsync();
    return testBook.saveAsync();
    console.log("book after saving agent, author, and book:");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(testBook, undefined, 2));
    return Author.findById(testAuthor._id).populate("agent").execAsync();
    console.log("author after finding and populating author");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(queriedAuthor, undefined, 2));
    return Book.findById(testBook._id).populate("author author.agent").execAsync();
    console.log("book after finding and populating book: ");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(queriedBook, undefined, 2));
    return Book.findByIdAsync(testBook._id);
    console.log("book after finding book:");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(foundBooks, undefined, 2));
    return foundBooks.populateAsync("author");
    console.log("book after populating book: ");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(populatedBook, undefined, 2));


mongoose = require("mongoose-bird")(require("mongoose"))
mongoose.connect "mongodb://test:test@localhost:27017/test"

bookSchemaObj   =
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
    ref: "Author"
    required: true
    type: Number

authorSchemaObj =
    type: String
    required: true
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
    ref: "Agent"
    required: true

agentSchemaObj  =
    type: String
    required: true

bookSchema   = new mongoose.Schema bookSchemaObj
authorSchema = new mongoose.Schema authorSchemaObj
agentSchema  = new mongoose.Schema agentSchemaObj

Book   = mongoose.model "Book", bookSchema
Author = mongoose.model "Author", authorSchema
Agent  = mongoose.model "Agent", agentSchema

testBookObj   =
  pubYear: 2001

testAuthorObj =
  name: "John P. Doe"

testAgentObj  =
  name: "Alfred O. Thompson"

testAgent  = new Agent testAgentObj
testAuthor = new Author testAuthorObj
testBook   = new Book testBookObj

testAuthor.agent = testAgent._id
testBook.author  = testAuthor._id

  .then ->
    return testAuthor.saveAsync!

  .then ->
    return testBook.saveAsync!

  .then ->
    console.log "book after saving agent, author, and book:"
    console.log JSON.stringify testBook, undefined, 2
    console.log ""
    return Author.findById(testAuthor._id).populate("agent").execAsync!

  .then (queriedAuthor) ->
    console.log "author after finding and populating author"
    console.log JSON.stringify queriedAuthor, undefined, 2
    console.log ""
    return Book.findById(testBook._id).populate("author author.agent")

  .then (queriedBook) ->
    console.log "book after finding and populating book: "
    console.log JSON.stringify queriedBook, undefined, 2
    console.log ""
    return Book.findByIdAsync testBook._id

  .then (foundBooks) ->
    console.log "book after finding book:"
    console.log JSON.stringify foundBooks, undefined, 2
    console.log ""
    return foundBooks.populateAsync "author"

  .then (populatedBook) !->
    console.log "book after populating book: "
    console.log JSON.stringify populatedBook, undefined, 2

  .catch (err) !->
    console.log err


book after saving agent, author, and book:
  "__v": 0,
  "author": "553a52d4cd8d2a4f5a5c4185",
  "pubYear": 2001,
  "_id": "553a52d4cd8d2a4f5a5c4186"

author after finding and populating author
  "_id": "553a52d4cd8d2a4f5a5c4185",
  "agent": {
    "_id": "553a52d4cd8d2a4f5a5c4184",
    "name": "Alfred O. Thompson",
    "__v": 0
  "name": "John P. Doe",
  "__v": 0

book after finding and populating book: 
  "_id": "553a52d4cd8d2a4f5a5c4186",
  "author": {
    "_id": "553a52d4cd8d2a4f5a5c4185",
    "name": "John P. Doe",
    "__v": 0
  "pubYear": 2001,
  "__v": 0

book after finding book:
  "_id": "553a52d4cd8d2a4f5a5c4186",
  "pubYear": 2001,
  "__v": 0

book after populating book: 
  "_id": "553a52d4cd8d2a4f5a5c4186",
  "pubYear": 2001,
  "__v": 0

Recursive population of multi-level deep refs can be achieved by calling Model.populate ad infinitum to populate structures that span more than 2 collections.

在多级深度引用的情况下,多重填充 populate("author author.agent") 不起作用。您必须先填充 author,然后在 Agent 上填充 author.agent

如果您不知道要填充其 ID 的代理,findById 并填充作者,然后使用作用域在 promise 之外的变量来存储填充的代理 ID,然后重新添加它,然后填充Agent.populate.

var agentId = null;

    return testAuthor.saveAsync();
    return testBook.saveAsync();
    return Author.findById(testAuthor._id).populate("agent").execAsync!
    console.log("book after saving agent, author, and book:");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(testBook, undefined, 2));
    agentId = populatedAuthor.agent._id;
    return Book.findById(testBook._id).populate("author").execAsync();
    console.log("author after finding and populating author:");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(partiallyPopulatedBook, undefined, 2));
    partiallyPopulatedBook.author.agent = agentId;
    return Agent.populate(partiallyPopulatedBook, {path:"author.agent"});
    console.log("author after finding and populating author and autho.agent:");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(populatedBook, undefined, 2));