是否可以在 Raspbian OS 上安装 pcsc-lite 1.8.13?

Is it possible to install pcsc-lite 1.8.13 on Raspbian OS?

我正在做一个 Raspberry Pi 项目。我正在尝试为 ACR1251U-A1 NFC 标签安装 driver package

这个包需要先安装pcsc-lite包。但是据我在互联网上搜索后了解到,pcsc-lite 1.8.13 不适用于 Raspbian OS.

我的主管坚持认为应该在 Raspberry Pi 上安装 pcsc-lite 1.8.13 以使 NFC 标签工作。

是否可以在 Raspbian 上安装它?如果是这样,你能帮我怎么做吗?

我能够安装 pcscd 守护程序并使用 pcsc-lite wrapper in NodeJS 在 Raspbian (Linux raspberrypi 3.18.11-v7+ #781 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 21 18:07:59 BST 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux) 上使用 Raspberry Pi B+ 和 Raspberry Pi 2.

这里是安装要求的摘录,来自full guide of mine project on GitHub

  1. Install PC/SC and libnfc (references: nfc-tools, libnfc):

    sudo apt-get install pcscd libusb-dev libpcsclite1 libpcsclite-dev dh-autoreconf
    cd /opt/
    sudo wget https://github.com/nfc-tools/libnfc/archive/libnfc-1.7.1.zip
    sudo unzip libnfc-1.7.1.zip
    cd libnfc-libnfc-1.7.1/
    sudo autoreconf -vis
    sudo ./configure --with-drivers=all
    sudo make
    sudo make install

    Additionaly, you may need to grant permissions to your user to drive the device. Under GNU/Linux systems, if you use udev, you could use the provided udev rules. e.g. under Debian: sudo cp /opt/libnfc-libnfc-1.7.1/contrib/udev/42-pn53x.rules /lib/udev/rules.d/

  2. Make sure the NFC reader is properly recognized:

    sudo nfc-list
    1. To fix: error while loading shared libraries: libnfc.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (reference)

      echo '/usr/local/lib' | sudo tee -a /etc/ld.so.conf.d/usr-local-lib.conf && sudo ldconfig
    2. If you have kernel version > 3.5, probably pcscd and also nfc-list will report this error: Unable to claim USB interface (Device or resource busy) due to the automatic load of pn533 driver.

      To read the pcscd dameon output you can run it using: pcscd -f -d

      1. Check which kernel version is installed: uname -a
      2. Blacklist pn533 and nfc drivers (references: Arch Linux wiki Touchatag RFID Reader, nfc-tools forum):

        sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-libnfc.conf

        Add the following lines:

        blacklist pn533 blacklist nfc

      3. Disable kernel modules:

        modprobe -r pn533 nfc
      4. Restart the pcscd daemon: sudo service pcscd restart