Haskell JSON 用 Aeson 解析

Haskell JSON parsing with Aeson

我有一个 JSON 数据源,如下所示:

{ "fields": [
{ "type": "datetime",
  "name": "Observation Valid",
  "description": "Observation Valid Time"},
{ "type": "datetime",
  "name": "Observation Valid UTC",
  "description": "Observation Valid Time UTC"},
{ "type": "number",
  "name": "Air Temperature[F]",
  "description": "Air Temperature at 2m AGL"},
{ "type": "number",
  "name": "Wind Speed[kt]",
  "description": "Wind Speed"},
{ "type": "number",
  "name": "Wind Gust[kt]",
  "description": "Wind Gust"},
{ "type": "number", "name":
  "Wind Direction[deg]",
  "description": "Wind Direction"}
"rows": [
["2018-04-22T00:10:00", "2018-04-22T05:10:00Z", 50.0, 9.0, null, 50.0],
["2018-04-22T00:15:00", "2018-04-22T05:15:00Z", 50.0, 9.0, null, 60.0],
["2018-04-22T00:20:00", "2018-04-22T05:20:00Z", 50.0, 8.0, null, 60.0],
["2018-04-22T00:30:00", "2018-04-22T05:30:00Z", 50.0, 9.0, null, 60.0]

            ( https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/json/obhistory.py?station=TVK&network=AWOS&date=2018-04-22 )


data Entry =             -- Data entries
  Entry {  time      ::  Text     -- Observation Valid Time
         , timeUTC   ::  Text     -- Observation Valid Time UTC
         , airTemp   ::  Float    -- Air Temperature[F] at 2m AGL
         , wind      ::  Float    -- Wind Speed [kt]
         , gust      ::  Float    -- Wind Gust [kt]
         , direction ::  Int      -- Wind Direction[deg]
           } deriving (Show,Generic)

data Field =             -- Schema Definition
  Field {  ftype       :: String     -- 
         , name        :: String     -- 
         , description :: String    -- 
           } deriving (Show,Generic)

data Record =
  Record {  fields  :: [Field]     -- 
          , rows    :: [Entry]     -- data
           } deriving (Show,Generic)

-- Instances to convert our type to/from JSON.
instance FromJSON Entry
instance FromJSON Field
instance FromJSON Record

-- Get JSON data and decode it
dat <- (eitherDecode <$> getJSON) :: IO (Either String Record)

这给出了这个错误: $.fields[0] 中的错误:键 "ftype" 不存在

(第一个)错误来自字段定义(我不使用)。在 JSON 中,条目是混合类型的数组,但在 Haskell 中,它只是一个数据结构,而不是数组——不确定如何协调这些。


Field 有一个 ftype 字段,因此 AESON 试图在 JSON 中找到 ftype 但找不到(因为它包含 ftype)。我知道您不能在 Haskell 中命名字段 type,因此您需要找到一种方法让 AESON 使用不同的名称。您需要使用模板 Haskell 并相应地设置 fieldLabelModifier。或者,手动编写坚持可能更简单。


  • JSON 数据包含一个名为 "type" 的字段。 Field 记录类型的自定义 FromJson 实例可以处理此问题。
  • Entry 类型中的数据未命名,因此最好将其表示为不带字段名称的 data 记录或 tuple
  • 代表阵风的Float有时是null所以应该是Maybe Float

下面的代码包含所有这些修改并解析您的示例 JSON 数据:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Aeson 
import GHC.Generics

-- Either this tuple definition of Entry or the data definition without
-- names (commented out) will work.  

type Entry =             -- Data entries
  ( Text     -- Observation Valid Time
  , Text     -- Observation Valid Time UTC
  , Float    -- Air Temperature[F] at 2m AGL
  , Float    -- Wind Speed [kt]
  , Maybe Float    -- Wind Gust [kt]
  , Int      -- Wind Direction[deg]

-- data Entry =             -- Data entries
--   Entry Text     -- Observation Valid Time
--         Text     -- Observation Valid Time UTC
--         Float    -- Air Temperature[F] at 2m AGL
--         Float    -- Wind Speed [kt]
--         (Maybe Float)    -- Wind Gust [kt]
--         Int      -- Wind Direction[deg]
--         deriving (Show,Generic)

-- instance FromJSON Entry

data Field =             -- Schema Definition
  Field {  ftype       :: String    -- 
        ,  name        :: String    -- 
        ,  description :: String    -- 
        } deriving (Show,Generic)

instance FromJSON Field where
  parseJSON = withObject "Field" $ \v -> Field
    <$> v .: "type"
    <*> v .: "name"
    <*> v .: "description"

data Record =
  Record {  fields  :: [Field]     -- 
         ,  rows    :: [Entry]     -- data
         } deriving (Show,Generic)

instance FromJSON Record

getJSON :: IO ByteString
getJSON = BSL.readFile "json.txt" 

main :: IO()
main = do
  -- Get JSON data and decode it
  dat <- (eitherDecode <$> getJSON) :: IO (Either String Record)
  case dat of
    Right parsed -> print parsed
    Left err -> print err