Django 媒体,mp4 服务

Django Media, mp4 serving

我现在正在做一个 Django 项目。


HTTP 响应代码为:206 部分内容(来自磁盘缓存)


resource interpreted as document but transferred with mime type video/mp4


这很可能是因为您提供的内容带有 [​​=10=] header,例如 text/htmltext/plain。您需要修复您的 Web 服务器配置,以便为 mp4 发送正确的 Content-Type header,即 video/mp4.

对于开发服务器,如果您使用的是 django.contrib.staticfiles.views.serve,则 there is this note in the documentation:

To guess the served files’ content types, this view relies on the mimetypes module from the Python standard library, which itself relies on the underlying platform’s map files. If you find that this view doesn’t return proper content types for certain files, it is most likely that the platform’s map files need to be updated. This can be achieved, for example, by installing or updating the mailcap package on a Red Hat distribution, or mime-support on a Debian distribution.