
Exclude Negative Values that Have the Same Absolute Values


PolicyNumber    Premium Commission  DataSource  EffectiveDate
1              -2.25    -0.41       Internal    31/03/2018
1               160.26  29.14       Internal    31/03/2018
1                98.81  17.96       Internal    31/03/2018
2              361.24   65.67       Internal    31/01/2018
2              570.35   103.70      Internal    31/01/2018
2              -17.05   -3.10       Internal    31/01/2018
3              240.60   0.00        External    31/01/2018
3             196.64    0.00        External    31/01/2018
3             240.60    0.00        External    31/01/2018
3              196.64   0.00        External    31/01/2018
3              -240.60  0.00        External    28/02/2018
3            -196.64    0.00        External    28/02/2018
3            -240.60    0.00        External    28/02/2018
3            -196.64    0.00        External    28/02/2018
3             224.04    107.54      External    28/02/2018
3              176.97   84.95       External    28/02/2018
4             504.00    0.00        External    31/01/2018
4              68.33    0.00        External    31/01/2018
4              504.00   0.00        External    31/01/2018
4              68.33    0.00        External    31/01/2018
4            -504.00    0.00        External    28/02/2018
4             -68.33    0.00        External    28/02/2018
4            -504.00    0.00        External    28/02/2018
4             -68.33    0.00        External    28/02/2018
4             453.55    217.70      External    28/02/2018
4              61.44    29.49       External    28/02/2018

我需要排除所有与前一个绝对值相同的负溢价值。例如,PolicyNumber 3、Premium 240.60 和 196.64 按负保费值 -240.60 和 -196.64 进行调整。我需要排除 PolicyNumber 3。

我希望得到像下面 table 这样的最终结果。

PolicyNumber    Premium Commission  DataSource  EffectiveDate
1               -2.25   -0.41       Internal    31/03/2018
1               160.26  29.14       Internal    31/03/2018
1               98.81   17.96       Internal    31/03/2018
2               361.24  65.67       Internal    31/01/2018
2               570.35  103.70      Internal    31/01/2018
2               -17.05  -3.10       Internal    31/01/2018


    with cte as 
    ( select distinct a.PolicyNumber, a.datasource, a.EffectiveDate from InsuranceTable a 

inner join (select PolicyNumber, premium, EffectiveDate, datasource 

    from InsuranceTable) b on a.PolicyNumber = b.PolicyNumber  

    where a.premium < 0 and a.EffectiveDate = b.EffectiveDate and a.datasource = b.datasource and b.premium > 0   ) 

select x.PolicyNumber, x.premium, x.EffectiveDate, x.Commission, x.datasource from InsuranceTable x 
inner join cte y on x.PolicyNumber = y.PolicyNumber and x.datasource = y.datasource 
order by x.PolicyNumber, x.EffectiveDate

我正在使用 Microsoft SQL Server 2012。感谢大家的帮助。

下面的 CTE 发现所有保单的保费都被相同金额的负保费正好抵消。它通过按保单和保费的绝对值进行汇总来做到这一点。那么,我们只需要一个非常简单的查询就可以得到你想看的政策。

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT DISTINCT PolicyNumber
    FROM InsuranceTable
    GROUP BY PolicyNumber, ABS(Premium)
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 AND MAX(Premium) <> MIN(Premium)

FROM InsuranceTable t1
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cte t2 WHERE t1.PolicyNumber = t2.PolicyNumber);