陷入 n*n 棋盘上 q 个主教的算法

Getting Stuck On the Algorithm for q bishops on an n*n chessboard

我正在使用 C++,但我的问题更多是关于算法而不是实现。


Write a program that inputs two integers n and k, where n>=k. Your program should calculate the number of different ways that k bishops could be placed on an nXn chessboard.

我的基本想法是将每个主教表示为具有 X 值和 Y 值的结构。然后我把主教放在棋盘上以获得配置。

我编写了一个名为 moveToNextPlace 的方法,它允许我将主教移动到下一个可用位置。我 return 一个字符串来帮助调试。

struct bishop {
int y=0;
int x=0;
string moveToNextPlace (int n){
    if (y<n-1) {y++; return "move to next y value";}
    else if (x<n-1) {x++; return "move to next x value";}
    else {reset(); return "reset";};
void setValuesLike (bishop b){
void reset (){
bool clashesWith (bishop b){
    if (b.x==x && b.y==y){
        return true;
    if ( b.y-y == b.x-x ) return true; //if their slope is 1
    return false;


然后我通过使用我想要的设置调用 findSolutions 将开发板设置为初始配置。

int findSolutions (int k, int n){ //k bishops on n*n board
bishop *b = new bishop [k];
for (int i=0; i<k; i++){
    findAspot (b, n, i);

bool check (int num, bishop b[]){
for (int i=0 ; i<num; i++){
    if (b[i].clashesWith (b[num])) return false;
return true;

void findAspot (bishop b[], int n, int num){ //n=boardsize
while (1){
    if (check(num, b)){return;}
    if (b[num].moveToNextPlace(n) == "reset") break;
findAspot (b, n, num-1);
b[num].setValuesLike ( b[num-1] );
findAspot (b, n, num);



我想我可以写一个 findNextSolution,它在 findSolutions 函数结束时不断被调用,直到它到达一个循环。但是不知道用什么算法找到下一个解


您必须更正检查一个主教是否与另一个主教冲突的方法。请记住,两个冲突的象可能被垂直距离 dy 和水平距离 dx 隔开,因此 dx == -dy。因此,您需要比较绝对值:如果 abs(dx) == abs(dy).


现在开始计算棋盘状态数量的一般问题,其中 k 象没有冲突。您需要定义一个 returns 整数值的函数。假设这个函数看起来像

count(currentBishops, numRemaining)

其中 currentBishops 是象的可行放置,numRemaining 是您尚未放置的象的数量。


count([], k)

其中 [] 表示尚未放置主教。


count(currentBishops, numRemaining):
  if numRemaining == 0:
    return 1
  sum = 0
  for each possible board position (x, y):
    if (x, y) does not clash with any bishop in currentBishops:
      let nextBishops be currentBishops augmented with (x, y)
      sum += count(nextBishops, numRemaining-1)
  return sum


let memo be a map from (currentBishops, numRemaining) to an integer value

count(currentBishops, numRemaining):
  if numRemaining == 0:
    return 1
  if memo contains (currentBishops, numRemaining):
    return memo[(currentBishops, numRemaining)]
  sum = 0 
  for each possible board position (x, y):
    if (x, y) does not clash with any bishop in currentBishops:
      let nextBishops be currentBishops augmented with (x, y)
      sum += count(nextBishops, numRemaining-1)
  memo[(currentBishops, numRemaining)] = sum
  return sum

currentBishops 的映射应该是一个不关心你放置象的顺序的映射。您可以通过在计算 memo.
