
How to view PDF document in MVC and not download it directly?

我有一个 link 单击它,HTML 页面将转换为 PDF 文档,然后 return 将此 PDF 文件发送给用户。


<li><a href='@Url.Action("GetHTMLPageAsPDF", "Transaction", new { empID = employee.emplID })'>ViewReceipt</a></li>


public FileResult GetHTMLPageAsPDF(long empID)
    string htmlPagePath = "anypath...";
    // convert html page to pdf
    PageToPDF obj_PageToPDF = new PageToPDF();
    byte[] databytes = obj_PageToPDF.ConvertURLToPDF(htmlPagePath);

    // return resulted pdf document
    FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(databytes, "application/pdf");
    fileResult.FileDownloadName = empID + ".pdf";
    return fileResult;

问题是当此文件 return 直接下载到用户计算机时,我想向用户显示此 PDF 文件,然后他可以下载它。


您必须在对 inline

的响应中设置 Content-Disposition header
public FileResult GetHTMLPageAsPDF(long empID) {
    string htmlPagePath = "anypath...";
    // convert html page to pdf
    PageToPDF obj_PageToPDF = new PageToPDF();
    byte[] databytes = obj_PageToPDF.ConvertURLToPDF(htmlPagePath);

    //return resulted pdf document        
    var contentLength = databytes.Length;      
    Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", contentLength.ToString());
    //Content-Disposition header set to inline along with file name for download
    Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + empID + ".pdf");
    return File(databytes, "application/pdf;");

浏览器将解释 headers 并直接在浏览器中显示文件,前提是它有能力这样做,无论是内置的还是通过插件。