dir-pagination directive angularjs : 有什么方法可以获取分页当前页面的所有记录吗?

dir-pagination directive angularjs : is there any way I can get all the records of current page in pagination?

我正在使用@michaelbromley 的目录分页指令。我想获取指令当前页面上的所有记录。有什么办法吗?



您可以使用数组切片方法,因为您已经可以访问大型数组,知道您所在的页码以及每页的元素数。您可以在下面的代码中重用 getPage 函数来实现这一点。


var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.currentPage = 1;
  $scope.pageSize = 5;
  var meals = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15];

  function getPage(currentPage, pageSize, arr, reverse) {  
    var beginIndex, endIndex, noOfPages;

    if(reverse) {
       beginIndex = arr.length - currentPage * pageSize;  
    } else {
      beginIndex = currentPage * pageSize - pageSize;

    endIndex = beginIndex + pageSize;
    beginIndex = beginIndex < 0 ? 0 : beginIndex;
    return arr.slice(beginIndex, endIndex);

  //This will return the 5 elements in page 1 of meals array which will be meals 11 to 15 since the array is bound to the pagination directive in the reverse (desc) order
  $scope.firstFiveArrRev = getPage($scope.currentPage, $scope.pageSize, meals, true);

  //This will return the 5 elements in page 1 of meals array which will be meals 1 to 5 since the array is bound to the pagination directive in ascending order
  $scope.firstFiveArr = getPage($scope.currentPage, $scope.pageSize, meals, false);


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="plunker">

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>AngularJS Plunker</title>
    <script>document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');</script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script data-require="angular.js@1.4.x" src="https://code.angularjs.org/1.4.0-rc.0/angular.js" data-semver="1.4.0-rc.0"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>

  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    Displaying elements from page number {{currentPage}}
    <br />
    Page size is set to {{pageSize}}
    <br />
    When order is Reverse: true
    <div>{{ firstFiveArrRev.toString() }}</div>

    When order is Reverse: false
    <div>{{ firstFiveArr.toString() }}</div>




这是另一种可能的方法,它不需要您从 dir-paginate 表达式中复制逻辑:



   <li dir-paginate="meal in perman  = ( meals | filter:q ) | orderBy: order?'key':'-key' | itemsPerPage: pageSize" current-page="currentPage" ng-init="addMeal(meal)">{{ meal.key + ': ' +meal.val }}</li>


$scope.addMeal = function(meal) {
  if (meal) {
    if ($scope.page.length === $scope.pageSize + 1) {
      $scope.page = [];

我没有进行昂贵的测试,但一般原理应该有效。我认为这有点老套,但作为 Rathish 提供的答案的替代方案,值得了解。

我 运行 遇到了同样的问题,但这里的答案不能满足我的需求(或者可能是想要的)。我决定自己解决它,并决定创建一个过滤器,其唯一目的是在给定目标上的给定 属性 中记录通过它的项目。我想到了这个:

 * Author: Eric Ferreira <http://whosebug.com/users/2954747/eric-ferreira> ©2015
 * This filter will sit in the filter sequence, and its sole purpose is to record 
 * the current contents to the given property on the target object. It is sort of
 * like the 'tee' command in *nix cli.
angular.module('app').filter('record', function() {
    return function(array, property, target) {
        if (target && property) {
            target[property] = array;
        return array;


<div dir-paginate="item in items | itemsPerPage:pageSize | record:'currentPage':this">{{item.text}}</div>


<div dir-paginate="item in items | filter:searchQuery | record:'filtered':this | itemsPerPage:pageSize | record:'currentPage':this">{{item.text}}</div>


这将记录(并在更改时更新)$scope.currentPage 中的当前页面。上例中的 this 就是过滤器的目标。它解析为 $scope.this,对于大多数意图和目的,它只是 $scope.

在您的特定情况下,您可以使用此行(在 adding/requiring 模块中的过滤器之后)代替您的分页:

<li dir-paginate="meal in perman  = ( meals | filter:q ) | orderBy: order?'key':'-key' | itemsPerPage: pageSize | record:'currentPage':this">{{ meal.key + ': ' +meal.val }}</li>

我继续并 fork 你的 plunker 以证明它也能正常工作:


  1. 从这里下载 dirPagination.js

  2. 现在将 dirPagination.js 添加到您的页面。

  3. 像这样在你的模块中添加angularUtils.directives.dirPagination

var app = angular.module("myApp",['angularUtils.directives.dirPagination']);
  1. 分页我们使用dir-paginate指令,在tr标签中添加dir-paginate
<tr dir-paginate="event in events|orderBy:['columnid', 't']:true | itemsPerPage: 5">
  1. 在您页面的任何位置或您想要的任何位置添加以下给定代码。
                boundary-links="true" >


Displaying {{ pageSize * (currentPage-1)+$index+1 }} - {{ pageSize*currentPage }} of {{ perman.length }}