
Perl: How to split paragraph keeping last sentences into another array?

我正在尝试将 <Description> 文本拆分为 Bit number 并放入特定的 Bit number元素。这是文件,我正在解析。

                <Description>Bit 6  random description
                    Bit 5 msg octet 2
                    Bit 4-1 
                    Bit 0 msg octet 4
                    These registers containpart of the Upstream Message. 
                    They should be written only after the cleared by hardware.




                <Description>Bit 3  msg octet 1
                    Bit 2 msg octet 2
                    Bit 1 msg octet 3
                    Bit 0 msg octet 4
                    These registers. 
                    They should be written only after the cleared by hardware.


Expected output:

These registers containpart of the Upstream Message. 
    They should be written only after the cleared by hardware.

<bit_field position="6" width=" 1">
<p> random description</p>
<bit_field position="5" width=" 1">
<bit_field position="1" width=" 4">



我正在使用 XML-Twig 包来解析这个文件,但在拆分过程中卡住了。

foreach my $register ( $twig->get_xpath('//Register') ) # get each <Register>

        my $reg_description= $register->first_child('Description')->text;
          foreach my $xml_field ($register->get_xpath('Field'))
             my @matched = split ('Bit\s+[0-9]', $reg_description);

我不知道如何相应地创建 <bit_field> 并将 Bit 以外的文本保留到 <Register> <long_description> 中。有人可以帮忙吗?

编辑<Description> 中的 Bit 可以有多行。例如,在下面的示例中,Bit 10-9 的描述一直到 Bit 8

<Description>Bit 11 GOOF 
Bit 10-9 Clk Selection:
 00 :  8 MHz
 01 :  4 MHz
 10 :  2 MHz
 11 :  1 MHz
Bit 8 Clk Enable : 1 = Enable CLK



不包含位模式的缓冲行。如果另一行包含位模式,则缓冲区必须属于最近的位。将其附加到那里。所有其他行必须是整体描述的一部分。 注意:这不区分最后一位描述的任何附加行。如果有这样的一点,它的附加行将成为整体描述的开始。 (但你说这些东西不在你的数据中。)


use strict;
use warnings;

my $description_in = 'Bit 6  random description
                    Bla bla additional line bla bla
                    bla bla
                    Bit 5 msg octet 2
                    Empty line below

                    Bla bla set to gain instant world domination bla bla
                    Bit 4-1
                    Bit 0 msg octet 4
                    These registers containpart of the Upstream Message.
                    They should be written only after the cleared by hardware.

                    Empty line above
                    Bla bla bla...';

my @bits = ();
my $description_overall = '';

my $line_buffer = '';
foreach my $line (split("\n", $description_in)) {
  # if line
  #  begins with optional white spaces
  #  followed by "Bit"
  #  followed by at least one white space
  #  followed by at least one digit (we capture the digits)
  #  followed by an optional sequence of optional white spaces, "-", optional white spaces and at least one digit (we capture the digits)
  #  followed by an optional sequence of at least one white space and any characters (we capture the characters)
  #  followed by the end of the line
  if ($line =~ m/^\s*Bit\s+(\d+)(?:\s*-\s*(\d+))?(?:\s+(.*?))?$/) {
    my ($position_begin, $position_end, $description) = (, , );
    my $width;

    # if there already are bits we've processed
    if (scalar(@bits)) {
      # the lines possibly buffered belong to the bit before the current one, so append them to its description
      $bits[$#bits]->{description} .= (length($bits[$#bits]->{description}) ? "\n" : '') . $line_buffer;
      # and reset the line buffer to collect the additional lines of the current bit;
      $line_buffer = '';

    # $position_end is defined only if it was a "Bit n-m"
    # otherwise set it to $position_begin
    $position_end = defined($position_end) ? $position_end : $position_begin;

    $width = abs($position_end - $position_begin) + 1;

    # set description to the empty string if not defined (i.e. no description was found)
    $description = defined($description) ? $description : '';

    # push a ref to a new hash with the keys position, description and width into the list of bits
    push(@bits, { position => (sort({$a <=> $b} ($position_begin, $position_end)))[0], # always take the lower position
                  description => $description,
                  width => $width });
  else {
    # it's not a bit pattern, so just buffer the line
    $line_buffer .= (length($line_buffer) ? "\n" : '') . $line;
# anything still in the buffer must belong to the overall description
$description_overall .= $line_buffer;

print("<Register>\n  <long_description>\n$description_overall\n  </long_description>\n");
foreach my $bit (@bits) {
  print("  <bit_field position=\"$bit->{position}\" width=\"$bit->{width}\">\n    <long_description>\n$bit->{description}\n    </long_description>\n  </bit_field>\n")


                        These registers containpart of the Upstream Message.
                        They should be written only after the cleared by hardware.

                        Empty line above
                        Bla bla bla...
  <bit_field position="6" width="1">
random description
                        Bla bla additional line bla bla
                        bla bla
  <bit_field position="5" width="1">
msg octet 2
                        Empty line below

                        Bla bla set to gain instant world domination bla bla
  <bit_field position="1" width="4">

  <bit_field position="0" width="1">
msg octet 4



首先,我尝试使用连续模式 (while ($x =~ m/^...$/gc)),但不知何故,它吞噬了行尾,导致仅匹配每隔一行。 Lookarounds,为了让它们远离实际匹配,没有工作(说它没有实现;我想,我必须在这台计算机上检查我的 Perl?),所以显式拆分成行是一种解决方法.

也可以使用 grep()s、map()s 等来缩短它。但我认为详细版本更好地展示了这些想法。所以我什至都没有看。