Cordova Framework7使用CanvasJS导出图片

Cordova Framework7 using CanvasJS to export Image

我有应用 运行 Framework7 build with Cordova 我正在使用 CanvasJS 生成不同的图表。但是,在使用 CanvasJS 而在 Cordova 下构建并启用导出选项以便用户将图表下载为 PNG/JPG 时,单击按钮时没有任何反应,尽管通过浏览器一切正常并且图像下载正常.



I suspect I may need to extract the CanvasJS image manually

var canvas = $("#chartContainer .canvasjs-chart-canvas").get(0);
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');

and use something like cordova-plugin-file-transfer to send that image dirrectly to the user phone, or there is a better way integrated into CanvasJS ?

我刚才找到了一个解决方案,并决定回到我的问题 post。希望它能帮助将来遇到同样问题的人。


// ... your Canvas logic ... use the code after chart.render(); //
// I've decided to remove the original Canvas drop-down button and replace it with a simple one
$(".canvasjs-chart-toolbar").html('<button class="button button-fill button-small" id="download_image">Download Image</button>');
// Hooking the newly replaced button with OnClick function
$('#download_image').click(function () {
    // Just adding a small alert showing the user the image is being downloaded
    dialog.alert('Please wait... <div class="preloader color-blue"></div>', "Downloading Image");
    // Collecting the image from the Canvas container
    var canvas = $("#chartContainer .canvasjs-chart-canvas").get(0);
    var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
    var f_name = "dwn_chart.png"; // You can use any name you want

    var downloadFile = function () {
        var download = function(fileEntry, uri, readBinaryData) {
            var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
            var fileURL = fileEntry.toURL();
                uri, fileURL,
                function (entry) {
                    var onSaveImageSuccess = function() { dialog.close(); dialog.alert("File: " + f_name, "Download Success"); };                                    
                    var onSaveImageError = function(error) { dialog.close(); dialog.alert(error, "Download Error"); };
                    // Using Cordova ImageSaver to appropriately save the image to the user gallery
                    window.cordova.plugins.imagesaver.saveImageToGallery(entry.toURL(), onSaveImageSuccess, onSaveImageError);
                function (error) {
                    dialog.close(); var error = String(error.source);
                    dialog.alert('<p style="color: #800000;">Download Error: <b>' + error + '</b></p>' +
                        '<p>Please refresh the Chart and try again, if the problem persists, contact support. Thank you.</p>');
                }, null, {}

        var onErrorLoadFs = function() { dialog.close(); dialog.alert("Error loading file.", "Download Error"); };
        var onErrorCreateFile = function() { dialog.close(); dialog.alert("Error creating file.", "Download Error"); };
        window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fs) {
            // Make sure you add the domain name to the Content-Security-Policy <meta> element.
            var url = rIP + "PPM/data/" + f_name; // Example: (f_name)
            // Parameters passed to getFile create a new file or return the file if it already exists.
            fs.root.getFile(f_name, { create: true, exclusive: false }, function (fileEntry) {
                download(fileEntry, url, true);
            }, onErrorCreateFile);
        }, onErrorLoadFs);

    // Sending the image URI to my PHP file through AJAX located on the server so it can be saved
        cache: false,
        type: "POST",
        url: rIP + "PPM/save_chart.php", // Here you should use the address of your PHP file handling the save
        data: { 'URI': dataURL, 'Name': f_name }, // Sending the URI and the desired Name
        success: function () {
            downloadFile(); // When is done saving it the downloadFile() function is called


    $Data = $_POST['URI'];
    $Name = $_POST['Name'];

    function SaveChartIMG($Data, $Name) {
        $imgData = str_replace(' ','+', $Data);
        $imgData =  substr($imgData,strpos($imgData,",")+1);
        $imgData = base64_decode($imgData);
        // Path where the image is going to be saved
        $filePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/PPM/data/'.$Name;
        // Write $imgData into the image file
        $file = fopen($filePath, 'w');
        fwrite($file, $imgData);

    SaveChartIMG($Data, $Name);


使用的 Cordova 插件:

<plugin name="cordova-plugin-file" spec="4.3.3"/>
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-file-transfer" spec="1.6.3"/>
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-save-image"/>