Google pubsub 88% 的请求返回为 503

Google pubsub 88% of requests come back as 503

关于为什么 pubsub 请求似乎会触发如此多的 503 错误的问题?这是普遍现象吗?其他人似乎看到了类似的东西,但我的大部分请求都是这样结束的


这是预期的行为。 Streaming pull, which is used by the client libraries, creates a bidirectional stream for receiving messages and sending back acknowledgements. These streams stay open for long periods of time and don't close with a successful response code when messages are received, they terminate with an error condition when the stream disconnects, perhaps due to a restart on the part of the server receiving the request or because of brief network blip. Therefore, even if you are receiving messages successfully, you'll still see error response codes for all of the streams themselves. The new streaming pull docs 直接解决这个问题。