ZIPFoundation:通过数据提供程序将大 PNG 写入存档时出现问题

ZIPFoundation: Issue with writing large PNG to archive via data provider

更新:我可以通过将 PNG 大小设置为超过任意值(即 700 x 700 pt 失败)来重现这一点。在任意值下读写正常。我不确定那条线到底在哪里。

我使用 zip 存档作为我的文档文件格式。尝试从文件浏览器页面的多个存档中读取 PNG 预览时,我看到了意外结果。

后台查询文档URL,创建文件数据对象。查询完成后,将在主线程上调用 UI 更新,文件数据对象充当集合视图的数据提供者。

PNG 被序列化为这样的数据:

let imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)


我看到的是文档缩略图只是间歇性地显示。 ZIPFoundation 是否有可能对于后台操作不是线程安全的?



do {
    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
    let archive = Archive(url: URL, accessMode: .read)

    // Metadata
    if let metadataData = try archive?.readData(named: Document.MetadataFilename) {
        self.metadata = try decoder.decode(Metadata.self, from: metadataData)
    } else {
        logDebug(self, "metadata not read")

    // Preview
    if let previewData = try archive?.readData(named: Document.PreviewFilename) {
        if let image = UIImage(data: previewData) {
            self.image = image
    } else {
        logDebug(self, "image not read")

} catch {
    logError(self, "Loading of FileWrapper failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

// Failure fall through
// Mark this as failed by using the x image
self.image = UIImage(named: "unavailable")


/// Associates optional data with entry name
struct NamedData {
    let name : String
    let data : Data?

// MARK: - Private
extension Archive {

    private func addData(_ entry: NamedData) throws {
        let archive = self
        let name =
        let data =
        do {
            if let data = data {
                try archive.addEntry(with: name, type: .file, uncompressedSize: UInt32(data.count), compressionMethod: .none, provider: { (position, size) -> Data in
                    return data
        } catch {
            throw error

    private func removeData(_ entry: NamedData) throws {
        let archive = self
        let name =
        do {
            if let entry = archive[name] { try archive.remove(entry) }
        } catch {
            throw error

// MARK: - Public
extension Archive {

    /// Update NamedData entries in the archive
    func updateData(entries: [NamedData]) throws {
        // Walk each entry and overwrite
        do {
            for entry in entries {
                try removeData(entry)
                try addData(entry)
        } catch {
            throw error

    /// Add NamedData entries to the archive (updateData is the preferred
    /// method since no harm comes from removing entries before adding them)
    func addData(entries: [NamedData]) throws {
        // Walk each entry and create
        do {
            for entry in entries {
                try addData(entry)
        } catch {
            throw error

    /// Read Data out of the entry using its name
    func readData(named name: String) throws -> Data? {
        let archive = self
        // Get data from entry
        do {
            var entryData : Data? = nil
            if let entry = archive[name] {
                // _ = returned checksum
                let _ = try archive.extract(entry, consumer: { (data) in
                    entryData = data
            return entryData
        } catch {
            throw error

ZIPFoundation 中基于闭包的 API 旨在 provide/consume 分块数据。根据数据的最终大小和配置的块大小(可选参数,默认为 16*1024),provider/consumer 闭包可以被多次调用。


let _ = try archive.extract(entry, consumer: { (data) in
    entryData = data

你总是用 consumer 闭包提供的最新块覆盖 entryData(如果最终大小大于块大小)。


var entryData = Data()
let _ = try archive.extract(entry, consumer: { (data) in

确保整个条目都累积在 entryData 对象中。

您的 Provider 代码中也发生了类似的事情。每次调用闭包时,您都应该提供一个块(从 position 开始,size),而不是总是返回整个图像数据对象。


archive.addEntry(with: "entryName",
                 type: .file,
                 uncompressedSize: dataSize,
                 compressionMethod: .none,
                 provider: { (position, size) in
                     return data.subdata(in: (position ..< position + size))})