使用 MPDF 将两个 PDF 文件合并为一个文件

Merge two PDF files into single one using MPDF

我正在使用 MPDF 库生成 pdf 文件。我在我的根目录中创建了两个 PDF 文件,如下所示:

$invoice_nos = ['0'=>'ISE-00000014Y18','1'=>'ISE-00000005Y18'];
foreach ($invoice_nos as $key => $invoice_no) {
    $html = 'Invoice No - '.$invoice_no;
    $pdf_file_name = $invoice_no.'.pdf';
    $pdf_file_path = ROOT . '/app/webroot/Service_Invoices/'. DS .$pdf_file_name ;
    $mpdf = new \mPDF('utf-8', 'A4' ,'','',5,5,36,10,5,4);


mPDF 不是合并 PDF 文件的最佳工具。 GhostScript:

gs -dBATCH -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=combined.pdf invoice1.pdf invoice2.pdf


$invoice_nos = ['0' => 'ISE-00000014Y18', '1' => 'ISE-00000005Y18'];
$mpdf = new \mPDF('utf-8', 'A4', '', '', 5, 5, 36, 10, 5, 4);

foreach ($invoice_nos as $key => $invoice_no) {
    $html = 'Invoice No - ' . $invoice_no;
    $mpdf->WriteHTML($html, 2);

$pdf_file_name = $invoice_no . 'invoices.pdf';
$mpdf->Output($pdf_file_name, 'f');

你好所以我实际上使用这段代码来拼合具有可编辑表单的 PDF,但我相信我们可以更改它以将 pdf 合并在一起。

此解决方案使用 php 的 Imagick(),它应该是您的托管环境的一部分。

这是代码,我已尽力对其进行评论。您将调用 mergePdf() 并放置目标文件夹(您的文件所在的位置以及您将保存新文件的位置)和要合并的文件数组(只是名称),然后是一个新文件名。一旦完成,它会将新文件保存在目标文件夹中。

 * mergePdf()
 * @param mixed $destinationPath
 * @param array $files
 * @param mixed $newFileName
 * @return
public function mergePdf($destinationPath, $files, $newFileName){
    //Create array to hold images
    $array_images = array();
    //Loop through to be merged
    foreach($files as $file){
        //Firstly we check to see if the file is a PDF
            // Strip document extension
            $file_name = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
            // Convert this document
            // Each page to single image
            $im = new imagick();
            //Keep good resolution
            $im->setResolution(175, 175);

            //loop through pages and add them to array
            for($i = 0; $i < $im->getNumberImages(); $i++){
                //insert images into array
                array_push($array_images, $destinationPath.$file_name.'-'.$i.'.png');
            //Clear im object

            return false;
    //Now that the array of images is created we will create the PDF        
        //Create new PDF document
        $pdf = new Imagick($array_images);
        if($pdf->writeImages($destinationPath.$newFileName, true)){
            //delete images
            foreach($array_images as $image){

            return true;

            return false;
        return false;

public function getMergePdf(){
    $destinationPath = "/your/destination/to/the/file/goes/here/";
    //put the files in the order you want them to be merged
    $files = array('file1.pdf','file2.pdf','file3.pdf');
    $this->mergePdf($destinationPath, $files, "NewPdf.pdf");