history.replaceState 不适用于 firefox v56+

history.replaceState not working for firefox v56+

在我的应用程序中,为了在 URL 中隐藏一些信息,我使用以下代码

history.replaceState ({}, "", "bar.html");

它适用于所有浏览器除了 firefox 最新版本 (v56+)

在 Firefox 中,如果我按 F5,它将返回到之前的 URL,我已经用上面的代码替换了它。


有个open issue on Bugzilla.

Video Example 1 and Video Example 2 解释如何重现错误。


  1. Mozilla Firefox version only 56+
  2. Single Page Application
  3. For routing uses history.replaceState, all parameters not null


  1. Login & redirect to main page base URL
  2. Navigate on any application tab & replace URL parameters
  3. Press F5, cmd + r or click Refresh button
  4. Ups!.. Again open main page with base URL (but in other browsers we see the selected tab and the correct URL)

从 url.


可能是以下行为引起的(我引用Vadim Goncharov

The main problem is that after using history.replaceState and then clicking cmd+r/f5 we will see that browser sends replaced (correct) url to server, but shows incorrect url both in location.search and browser url bar. And this behaviour continues (if click to "cmd+r/f5") until we click "enter" on browser url bar.

第一个 解决方法 发布自 Felix Lee

Before calling history.replaceState, do location.hash = location.hash;

Setting hash to itself has no effect, but makes the bug go away.

此解决方法并不理想,mtomalley 添加了 第二个解决方法

The browser is requesting a different URL than what is shown in the location bar....

Additionally, the workaround isn't ideal because if the URL doesn't already have a hash, location.hash = location.hash adds one, calls popstate, and adds a history entry.

An alternate workaround that is much less simple:

  1. Use whatever means available to your backend technology to expose the request URI on the client
  2. On page load (before any client routing code), check the URI against window.location
  3. If they're different, use replaceState to fix it.

The location will briefly show the incorrect URL on any reload, but at least it'll be fixed and routing can work as expected...

Mathis Wiehl

window.addEventListener('unload', function(event) { location.replace(location) });

This way the state of the js location is flushed to FFs location in cases of refreshes and tab closes (which by the way have the same issue when reopened with e.g. ⌘+⇧+t).

来自 Mathis 的上述解决方法存在以下问题(我引用 jimmyhmiller

Next.js tried using the workaround that Mathis mentioned above and it caused some bad issues for them. Details here: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/pull/6896

上述 解决方法 遇到了一个新错误,在问题 #6882


when landing on a page that contains query parameters, the browser becomes "locked" to that page and programmatically or manually navigating to a different same-domain page insta-redirects back to the original. note that this does not start happening until a query parameter is involved in the url, totally bizarre

我还列出了 other mozilla related issues with history.replaceState
