如何使用 Swift KeyPaths 的异构数组

How to use heterogeneous array of Swift KeyPaths

似乎应该可以使用 KeyPath 数组作为排序键,使用任意数量的排序键对 Swift 结构数组进行排序。 从概念上讲,这很简单。您将 KeyPaths 数组定义为通用对象,其中唯一的限制是键路径中的属性为 Comparable.

只要所有的KeyPath都指向同一类型的属性,就万事大吉了。但是,一旦您尝试使用指向数组中不同类型元素的 KeyPaths,它就会停止工作。

查看下面的代码。我创建了一个具有 2 个 Int 属性和一个双精度 属性 的简单结构。我创建了 Array 的扩展,实现了一个函数 sortedByKeypaths(_:) 该函数指定了一个通用类型 属性,它是 Comparable。它需要一个 kepaths 数组到指定类型 属性 的某个对象元素。 (比较属性。)

只要您使用 KeyPaths 数组调用该函数到所有相同类型的属性,它就可以完美运行。

但是,如果您尝试将键路径数组传递给不同类型的属性,则会引发错误 "cannot convert value of type '[PartialKeyPath]' to expected argument type '[KeyPath]'"

由于数组包含异构键路径,由于类型擦除,数组转为类型“[PartialKeyPath]”,您不能使用 PartialKeyPath 从数组中获取元素。

这个问题有解决办法吗?无法使用异构的 KeyPaths 数组似乎严重限制了 Swift KeyPaths

import UIKit

struct Stuff {
    let value: Int
    let value2: Int
    let doubleValue: Double

extension Array {

    func sortedByKeypaths<PROPERTY: Comparable>(_ keypaths: [KeyPath<Element, PROPERTY>]) -> [Element] {
        return self.sorted { lhs, rhs in
            var keypaths = keypaths
            while !keypaths.isEmpty {
                let keypath = keypaths.removeFirst()
                if lhs[keyPath: keypath] != rhs[keyPath: keypath] {
                    return lhs[keyPath: keypath] < rhs[keyPath: keypath]
            return true

var stuff = [Stuff]()

for _ in 1...20 {
    stuff.append(Stuff(value: Int(arc4random_uniform(5)),
                       value2: Int(arc4random_uniform(5)),
                 doubleValue: Double(arc4random_uniform(10))))

let  sortedStuff = stuff.sortedByKeypaths([\Stuff.value, \Stuff.value2]) //This works
sortedStuff.forEach { print([=11=]) }

let  moreSortedStuff = stuff.sortedByKeypaths([\Stuff.value, \Stuff.doubleValue]) //This throws a compiler error
moreSortedStuff.forEach { print([=11=]) }

使用部分键路径数组的问题是您无法保证 属性 类型是 Comparable。一种可能的解决方案是使用类型擦除包装器来擦除键路径的值类型,同时确保它是 Comparable:

struct PartialComparableKeyPath<Root> {

  private let _isEqual: (Root, Root) -> Bool
  private let _isLessThan: (Root, Root) -> Bool

  init<Value : Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Value>) {
    self._isEqual = { [=10=][keyPath: keyPath] == [keyPath: keyPath] }
    self._isLessThan = { [=10=][keyPath: keyPath] < [keyPath: keyPath] }

  func isEqual(_ lhs: Root, _ rhs: Root) -> Bool {
    return _isEqual(lhs, rhs)

  func isLessThan(_ lhs: Root, _ rhs: Root) -> Bool {
    return _isLessThan(lhs, rhs)


extension Sequence {

  func sorted(by keyPaths: PartialComparableKeyPath<Element>...) -> [Element] {
    return sorted { lhs, rhs in
      for keyPath in keyPaths {
        if !keyPath.isEqual(lhs, rhs) {
          return keyPath.isLessThan(lhs, rhs)
      return false


struct Stuff {
  let value: Int
  let value2: Int
  let doubleValue: Double

var stuff = [Stuff]()

for _ in 1 ... 20 {
  stuff.append(Stuff(value: Int(arc4random_uniform(5)),
                     value2: Int(arc4random_uniform(5)),
                     doubleValue: Double(arc4random_uniform(10))))

let sortedStuff = stuff.sorted(by: PartialComparableKeyPath(\.value),
sortedStuff.forEach { print([=12=]) }

let moreSortedStuff = stuff.sorted(by: PartialComparableKeyPath(\.value),
moreSortedStuff.forEach { print([=12=]) }

虽然不幸的是,这需要将每个单独的键路径包装在一个 PartialComparableKeyPath 值中,以便捕获和擦除键路径的值类型,这不是特别漂亮。

我们在这里真正需要的功能是 variadic generics,它可以让您在可变数量的通用占位符上为您的键路径的值类型定义您的函数,每个占位符都限制为 Comparable


extension Sequence {
  func sorted<A : Comparable>(by keyPathA: KeyPath<Element, A>) -> [Element] {
    return sorted { lhs, rhs in
      lhs[keyPath: keyPathA] < rhs[keyPath: keyPathA]

  func sorted<A : Comparable, B : Comparable>
    (by keyPathA: KeyPath<Element, A>, _ keyPathB: KeyPath<Element, B>) -> [Element] {
    return sorted { lhs, rhs in
      (lhs[keyPath: keyPathA], lhs[keyPath: keyPathB]) <
        (rhs[keyPath: keyPathA], rhs[keyPath: keyPathB])

  func sorted<A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable>
    (by keyPathA: KeyPath<Element, A>, _ keyPathB: KeyPath<Element, B>, _ keyPathC: KeyPath<Element, C>) -> [Element] {
    return sorted { lhs, rhs in
      (lhs[keyPath: keyPathA], lhs[keyPath: keyPathB], lhs[keyPath: keyPathC]) <
        (rhs[keyPath: keyPathA], rhs[keyPath: keyPathB], rhs[keyPath: keyPathC])

  func sorted<A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable>
    (by keyPathA: KeyPath<Element, A>, _ keyPathB: KeyPath<Element, B>, _ keyPathC: KeyPath<Element, C>, _ keyPathD: KeyPath<Element, D>) -> [Element] {
    return sorted { lhs, rhs in
      (lhs[keyPath: keyPathA], lhs[keyPath: keyPathB], lhs[keyPath: keyPathC], lhs[keyPath: keyPathD]) <
        (rhs[keyPath: keyPathA], rhs[keyPath: keyPathB], rhs[keyPath: keyPathC], rhs[keyPath: keyPathD])

  func sorted<A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable, E : Comparable>
    (by keyPathA: KeyPath<Element, A>, _ keyPathB: KeyPath<Element, B>, _ keyPathC: KeyPath<Element, C>, _ keyPathD: KeyPath<Element, D>, _ keyPathE: KeyPath<Element, E>) -> [Element] {
    return sorted { lhs, rhs in
      (lhs[keyPath: keyPathA], lhs[keyPath: keyPathB], lhs[keyPath: keyPathC], lhs[keyPath: keyPathD], lhs[keyPath: keyPathE]) <
        (rhs[keyPath: keyPathA], rhs[keyPath: keyPathB], rhs[keyPath: keyPathC], rhs[keyPath: keyPathD], rhs[keyPath: keyPathE])

  func sorted<A : Comparable, B : Comparable, C : Comparable, D : Comparable, E : Comparable, F : Comparable>
    (by keyPathA: KeyPath<Element, A>, _ keyPathB: KeyPath<Element, B>, _ keyPathC: KeyPath<Element, C>, _ keyPathD: KeyPath<Element, D>, _ keyPathE: KeyPath<Element, E>, _ keyPathF: KeyPath<Element, F>) -> [Element] {
    return sorted { lhs, rhs in
      (lhs[keyPath: keyPathA], lhs[keyPath: keyPathB], lhs[keyPath: keyPathC], lhs[keyPath: keyPathD], lhs[keyPath: keyPathE], lhs[keyPath: keyPathF]) <
        (rhs[keyPath: keyPathA], rhs[keyPath: keyPathB], rhs[keyPath: keyPathC], rhs[keyPath: keyPathD], rhs[keyPath: keyPathE], rhs[keyPath: keyPathF])

我已经为它们定义了最多 6 个键路径,这对于大多数排序情况应该足够了。我们在这里利用 < 的字典序元组比较重载,正如 .



let sortedStuff = stuff.sorted(by: \.value, \.value2)
sortedStuff.forEach { print([=14=]) }

let moreSortedStuff = stuff.sorted(by: \.value, \.doubleValue)
moreSortedStuff.forEach { print([=14=]) }