如何检查二维图形中所有点的距离并确保 None 距离太近?
How can I Check all the Points in a 2D Graph for Distance and Make Sure None are Too Close?
我想创建并 return 一组随机的 2 元素元组,代表二维图形上的点。我的问题是我希望每个点彼此之间至少有一定的距离。这应该根据下面函数中 minDistance 参数的值。
注意:图表的长度为 90 点,宽度为 160 点。
def makeTiles(num, xBounds, yBounds, minDistance):
Creates and returns a set of points.
:param num: int
The number of points to be returned.
:param xBounds: tuple of 2 ints
The first element is the minimum an x-value should be.
The second element is the maximum an x-value should be.
:param yBounds: tuple of 2 ints
The first element is the minimum an y-value should be.
The second element is the maximum an y-value should be.
:param minDistance: int
The minimum distance that should occur between points.
:return: set of tuples
The set of points that will be created.
tileSet = set()
for n in range(num):
x = r.randint(xBounds[0], xBounds[1])
y = r.randint(yBounds[0], yBounds[1])
tileSet.add((x, y))
tempSet = tileSet.copy()
distances = set()
for t1 in tempSet:
for t2 in tileSet:
distances.add(m.sqrt((t1[0] - t2[0]) ** 2 + (t1[1] - t2[1]) ** 2))
for d in distances:
if d < minDistance:
您应该研究一下 Quadtrees,它们可以在这种检查中提供更好的性能。
def makeTiles():
Creates and returns a set of points.
There is enough space within the area defined by xBounds and yBounds.
1 Create a random point.
2 Add the point to tileSet and distanceSet.
3 Add all points within minDistance to distanceSet.
4 Create another random point.
5 while this point is in distanceSet.
6 Change the location of the point.
7 Add the point to tileSet and distanceSet.
8 Add all points within minDistance to distanceSet.
9 Continue looping from line 4 for num amount of times.
:return: set of tuples
The set of points that will be created.
tileSet = set()
distanceSet = set()
x = r.randint(KEEP_X[0], KEEP_X[1])
y = r.randint(KEEP_Y[0], KEEP_Y[1])
tileSet.add((x, y))
for t in tileSet:
distanceSet.add((t[0], t[1]))
for m1 in range(1, KEEP_DIST):
for m2 in range(1, KEEP_DIST):
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y))
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y))
for n in range(KEEP_NUM):
x = r.randint(KEEP_X[0], KEEP_X[1])
y = r.randint(KEEP_Y[0], KEEP_Y[1])
while (x, y) in distanceSet:
x = r.randint(KEEP_X[0], KEEP_X[1])
y = r.randint(KEEP_Y[0], KEEP_Y[1])
print("(x, y)", (x, y))
tileSet.add((x, y))
distanceSet.add((x, y))
for m1 in range(1, KEEP_DIST):
for m2 in range(1, KEEP_DIST):
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y))
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y))
我想创建并 return 一组随机的 2 元素元组,代表二维图形上的点。我的问题是我希望每个点彼此之间至少有一定的距离。这应该根据下面函数中 minDistance 参数的值。
注意:图表的长度为 90 点,宽度为 160 点。
def makeTiles(num, xBounds, yBounds, minDistance):
Creates and returns a set of points.
:param num: int
The number of points to be returned.
:param xBounds: tuple of 2 ints
The first element is the minimum an x-value should be.
The second element is the maximum an x-value should be.
:param yBounds: tuple of 2 ints
The first element is the minimum an y-value should be.
The second element is the maximum an y-value should be.
:param minDistance: int
The minimum distance that should occur between points.
:return: set of tuples
The set of points that will be created.
tileSet = set()
for n in range(num):
x = r.randint(xBounds[0], xBounds[1])
y = r.randint(yBounds[0], yBounds[1])
tileSet.add((x, y))
tempSet = tileSet.copy()
distances = set()
for t1 in tempSet:
for t2 in tileSet:
distances.add(m.sqrt((t1[0] - t2[0]) ** 2 + (t1[1] - t2[1]) ** 2))
for d in distances:
if d < minDistance:
您应该研究一下 Quadtrees,它们可以在这种检查中提供更好的性能。 除此之外,除了检查图表中每个点到其他每个点的距离外,别无他法。
def makeTiles():
Creates and returns a set of points.
There is enough space within the area defined by xBounds and yBounds.
1 Create a random point.
2 Add the point to tileSet and distanceSet.
3 Add all points within minDistance to distanceSet.
4 Create another random point.
5 while this point is in distanceSet.
6 Change the location of the point.
7 Add the point to tileSet and distanceSet.
8 Add all points within minDistance to distanceSet.
9 Continue looping from line 4 for num amount of times.
:return: set of tuples
The set of points that will be created.
tileSet = set()
distanceSet = set()
x = r.randint(KEEP_X[0], KEEP_X[1])
y = r.randint(KEEP_Y[0], KEEP_Y[1])
tileSet.add((x, y))
for t in tileSet:
distanceSet.add((t[0], t[1]))
for m1 in range(1, KEEP_DIST):
for m2 in range(1, KEEP_DIST):
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y))
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y))
for n in range(KEEP_NUM):
x = r.randint(KEEP_X[0], KEEP_X[1])
y = r.randint(KEEP_Y[0], KEEP_Y[1])
while (x, y) in distanceSet:
x = r.randint(KEEP_X[0], KEEP_X[1])
y = r.randint(KEEP_Y[0], KEEP_Y[1])
print("(x, y)", (x, y))
tileSet.add((x, y))
distanceSet.add((x, y))
for m1 in range(1, KEEP_DIST):
for m2 in range(1, KEEP_DIST):
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x, y + m1))
distanceSet.add((x, y - m1))
distanceSet.add((x - m2, y))
distanceSet.add((x + m2, y))