用于 α-重命名的 DrRacket 键盘快捷键

DrRacket keyboard shortcut for α-rename

如何在 DrRacket 中将键盘快捷键(例如 F2)绑定到 α-rename,在右键单击变量名称弹出的上下文菜单中可用作 rename foobar

documentation boils down to "call a magic function name from the API”,但我很难在 API 中找到该操作。

来自 DrRacket 6.0 版的历史文件

Added keybindings for the items in the Check Syntax popup menu,
notably c:x;m to rename a variable, c:x;d to just to the
definition of an imported variable, c:x;n to go to the next
occurence of a variable, and c:x;b to go to the binding occurrence
of a variable.

所以 ctrl-x,m 应该可以解决问题。