检查日期列表是否在 r 中的日期范围内

check if list of dates is within a date range in r

下面显示了我的数据的三个主要列(squirrel_id = 唯一的个人 ID,byear = 出生年份,dyear = 死亡年份):

> summary(complete)
  squirrel_id        byear          dyear     
 Min.   :  416   Min.   :1989   Min.   :1989  
 1st Qu.: 4152   1st Qu.:1997   1st Qu.:1998  
 Median : 7870   Median :2003   Median :2004  
 Mean   :10419   Mean   :2004   Mean   :2004  
 3rd Qu.:16126   3rd Qu.:2011   3rd Qu.:2012  
 Max.   :23327   Max.   :2017   Max.   :2017 


mast.yr<-c("1993", "1998", "2005", "2010", "2014")


  1. 添加一列,说明个人 (squirrel_id) 在 mast.yr 年中的任何一年是否还活着(dyear- byear = 活着的年数范围(包括 byeardyear).
  2. 添加另一列,计算每个人 (squirrel_id) 在一生中经历了多少 mast.yr 年(dyear- byear = 活着的年数范围(包括 byeardyear).

为了生成第一列,我一直在使用 dplyr 包中的 mutate 函数,但我只能让它在 byeardyear分开,像这样:

complete <- complete %>%
    mutate (mast = ifelse (byear %in% c("1993", "1998", "2005", "2010", "2014"), 1, 0), 
    mast = ifelse (dyear %in% c("1993", "1998", "2005", "2010", "2014"), 1, 0))) 

但它没有给出所需的输出,因为它单独考虑 byeardyear,而不是作为一个连续的时间段。我尝试了 here and 发布的解决方案,但没有成功。


可以找到我的数据副本 here。为了将来的可重复性,这里有一个示例:

> head(DF)

> squirrel_id  byear dyear
  <dbl>        <int> <dbl>
  6715         2006  2006
  22274        2016  2017
  20445        2014  2017
  19528        2013  2013
  2674         1995  1995
  1419         1992  1993
# put target years in a table
mastDF = data_frame(year = as.integer(mast.yr))

# count based on conditions    
dat %>% 
  mutate(in_mast = count_matches(., mastDF, year >= byear, year <= dyear) > 0) %>%

# A tibble: 100 x 4
   squirrel_id byear dyear in_mast
         <int> <int> <int>   <lgl>
 1        6715  2006  2006   FALSE
 2       22274  2016  2017   FALSE
 3       20445  2014  2017    TRUE
 4       19528  2013  2013   FALSE
 5        2674  1995  1995   FALSE
 6        1419  1992  1992   FALSE
 7       15014  2004  2004   FALSE
 8       10946  2009  2012    TRUE
 9        4369  1998  1999    TRUE
10        4344  1992  1999    TRUE
# ... with 90 more rows

其中 count_matches 是辅助函数:

count_matches = function(DF, targetDF, ...){
  onexpr = substitute(list(...))
  data.table(targetDF)[data.table(DF), on=eval(onexpr), allow.cart=TRUE, .N, by=.EACHI]$N

如果您既想要计数又想要计数是否非零,可以通过将其分解为一系列 mutate 个参数来完成:

dat %>% 
    n_mast = count_matches(., mastDF, year >= byear, year <= dyear),
    in_mast = n_mast > 0
) %>% as.tbl

# A tibble: 6 x 5
  squirrel_id byear dyear n_mast in_mast
        <int> <int> <int>  <int>   <lgl>
1        6715  2006  2006      0   FALSE
2       22274  2016  2017      0   FALSE
3       20445  2014  2017      1    TRUE
4       19528  2013  2013      0   FALSE
5        2674  1995  1995      0   FALSE
6        1419  1992  1993      1    TRUE

尽管@Frank 已经提供了一个优雅的解决方案,但 sqldf 为非等值连接提供了更简单的方法。使用sqldf解决方案可以是:

mast.yr<-c("1993", "1998", "2005", "2010", "2014")

mastDf <- data.frame(year = as.integer(mast.yr))


sqldf("select dat.*, IFNULL(Mast.inMast,0) as n_Mast, IFNULL(Mast.inMast,0) >0 as inMast
       from dat left outer join 
      (select *, count(squirrel_id) as inMast 
      from dat, mastDf 
      where mastDf.year between dat.byear AND dat.dyear
      group by squirrel_id) Mast on
      dat.squirrel_id = Mast.squirrel_id")

#     squirrel_id byear dyear n_Mast inMast
# 1          6715  2006  2006      0      0
# 2         22274  2016  2017      0      0
# 3         20445  2014  2017      1      1
# 4         19528  2013  2013      0      0
# 5          2674  1995  1995      0      0
# 6          1419  1992  1992      0      0
# 7         15014  2004  2004      0      0
# 8         10946  2009  2012      1      1
# 9          4369  1998  1999      1      1
# 10         4344  1992  1999      2      1
#....90 more rows