ngStyle VS 渲染器2?我应该使用什么?

ngStyle VS Renderer2 ? What should I use?

我正在使用 Angular 5.2.9.

我想知道什么时候应该使用 Renderer2 而不是 ngStyle ?哪个是最好的解决方案?

1:<div #div>FOO BAR</div>

  @ViewChild('div') div: ElementRef;

  constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {}

  ngAfterViewInit() {
      this.renderer.setStyle(this.div.nativeElement, 'background', 'blue');

2:<div [ngStyle]="styleValue">FOO BAR</div>

  styleValue: any = {};

  ngAfterViewInit() {
      this.styleValue = {background: 'blue'};

我知道在 ngFor 中使用 "ngStyle" 更容易,例如:

<div ngFor="let elem of array" [ngStyle]="styleValue">

否则你应该为这种情况做:<div ngFor="let elem of array" #div>FOO BAR</div>

  @ViewChildren('div') divs: QueryList<ElementRef>;

  constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {}

  ngAfterViewInit() {
     this.divs.change.subscribe(() => {
        this.toFlipArray.forEach((div) => {
            this.renderer.setStyle(this.div.nativeElement, 'background', 'blue');

在 ngFor 中使用 Renderer2 似乎要长得多,我什至没有终止订阅。


ngStylerenderer.setStyle 都用于动态设置组件样式

但是 renderer.setStyle 看起来优先于 [ngStyle] 即使 ngStyle 看起来是一种嵌入式样式。


When looking to the internal implementation of ngStyle:

it looks like it itself is implemented using renderer.setStyle

@Directive({selector: '[ngStyle]'})
export class NgStyle implements DoCheck {
  private _ngStyle: {[key: string]: string};
  private _differ: KeyValueDiffer<string, string|number>;

      private _differs: KeyValueDiffers, private _ngEl: ElementRef, private _renderer: Renderer2) {}

  set ngStyle(v: {[key: string]: string}) {
    this._ngStyle = v;
    if (!this._differ && v) {
      this._differ = this._differs.find(v).create();

  ngDoCheck() {
    if (this._differ) {
      const changes = this._differ.diff(this._ngStyle);
      if (changes) {

  private _applyChanges(changes: KeyValueChanges<string, string|number>): void {
    changes.forEachRemovedItem((record) => this._setStyle(record.key, null));
    changes.forEachAddedItem((record) => this._setStyle(record.key, record.currentValue));
    changes.forEachChangedItem((record) => this._setStyle(record.key, record.currentValue));

  private _setStyle(nameAndUnit: string, value: string|number|null|undefined): void {
    const [name, unit] = nameAndUnit.split('.');
    value = value != null && unit ? `${value}${unit}` : value;

    if (value != null) {
      this._renderer.setStyle(this._ngEl.nativeElement, name, value as string);
    } else {
      this._renderer.removeStyle(this._ngEl.nativeElement, name);