
How to change the @Namednativequery.query dynamic but non-programatically?


 class Impl{

    public ResponseEntity<?> find(patientIdList,shapeNameList){
      someEntity =  repository.findByFilters(patientIdList,shapeNameList);

      return someEntity;


        name = "MyEntity.findByFilters",
        query = "_________________________________",
        resultSetMapping = "dummyMapping"       
    name = "dummyMapping",
public class ...{


when shapeNameList IS SUPPLIED by clients rest json input, then @Namednativequery.query 上面提到的应该是: ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------

query = SELECT DISTINCT a.shape_name as shapename, a.patient_id patientId, a.shape_type_id as shapetypeid  
                        FROM pairdb.tbl_sf_density a 
                        WHERE a.patient_id IN( ?1 )
                        AND a.shapeNameList IN( ?2 )  --this line needs to be dynamically incorporated 
                        group by shapename;

当 shapeNameList NOT SUPPLIED 由客户 rest json 输入时,则上面提到的 @Namednativequery.query 应该是:
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------

query = SELECT DISTINCT a.shape_name as shapename, a.patient_id patientId, a.shape_type_id as shapetypeid 
                        FROM pairdb.tbl_sf_density a 
                        WHERE a.patient_id IN( ?1 )
                        -- AND a.shapeNameList IN( ?2 )  --this line needs to be dynamically omitted from the query within  @NamedNativeQuery above
                        group by shapename;

我无法为 SQL 部分的这种动态变化构建完美的解决方案。有人可以帮忙提供简单的 Spring JPA 解决方案吗?

我们可以通过一些逻辑在 postgres SQL 中进行操作以在两者之间切换吗 'AND a.shapeNameList IN( ?2 ) ' 对比 ' ' 使用 COALSCE / NULLIF / IFNULL / CASE WHEN THEN END ? anything ?





interface ShapesRepository {

    List<Shape> findForPatiets(List patientIdList)

    List<Shape> findForPatientsAndNameList(List patientIdList, List names)

class ShapesService{
    public find(patientIdList,shapeNameList){
         if (isEmpty(shapeNameList)){
         } else {
             repository.findForPatientsAndNameList(patientIdList, shapeNameList);


但如果我是你,我会认真考虑使用 QueryDSL

Specification + QueryDSl/Criteria seems heavy for the purpose.

我不同意。由于在对 Mateusz 回答的评论中你建议你有多个这样的参数,Specification 似乎是一个完美的选择。

在类似的情况下,find-by-example 也可以,但它不支持 in-clauses。

如果您愿意考虑 @Query 注释,您可以使用 SpEL 支持编写如下内容:

@Query("... where 0 = ?#{param.size} or a.shapeNameList IN :param")
public Something something(List param);
