Jquery:作用于形式的 .blur(),而不是元素

Jquery: function on .blur() of form, not elements

我在社区中搜索了一下,看到有很多关于如何为表单元素制作 on(blur(function)) 或 on(focusout(function)) 的指导,但我没有看到当表单本身失去焦点时,模糊元素就会出现。我想要那种依赖于在提交之前更新两个字段的行为,但是如果我在一个字段上有效 onblur() 它会给出一个错误的错误,因为用户没有机会更新另一个字段。


        alert("This form has lost its focus.");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Enter your name: <input type="text">
Enter your age: <input type="text">
<p>Write something in the input field, and then click outside the field to lose focus (blur).</p>


如果我让 .ready 语句专注于 "input",而不是 it works fine,但是当我希望文档监控整个表单时完全没有响应。有任何想法吗?谢谢!

您要查找的活动不是 blur,而是 focusout。如果我们将 focusout 事件绑定到表单本身,则只要焦点丢失在表单内的任何元素上,就会调用处理程序。

另请注意,我添加到各种元素的 tabindex 属性与这段代码的工作无关。添加它们是因为对您的 post 声称表单无法聚焦的错误评论。


The tabindex global attribute indicates if its element can be focused, and if/where it participates in sequential keyboard navigation (usually with the Tab key, hence the name). It accepts an integer as a value, with different results depending on the integer's value:

  • A negative value (usually tabindex="-1") means that the element should be focusable, but should not be reachable via sequential keyboard navigation. Mostly useful to create accessible widgets with JavaScript.

如您所见,任何元素都可以获得焦点。只是只有某些元素 默认获得焦点(锚点、输入、按钮等),而无需为它们设置 tabindex。在下面的示例中,如果您单击“输入您的姓名”文本,您将看到表单本身获得焦点。然后您可以跳转到输入,然后是 div,最后是跨度。依次获得焦点

$('#theForm').on('focusout', function(e) {
  // do what you want/need to do here
  console.log('Form has lost focus');
#theDiv {
  height: 50px;
  width: 50px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form id="theForm" tabindex="1">
Enter your name: <input type="text" tabindex="2">
Enter your age: <input type="text" tabindex="3">
<div id="theDiv" tabindex="4"></div>
<span tabindex="5">Some Text</span>
<p>Write something in the input field, and then click outside the field to lose focus (blur).</p>