Neo4j 上 RelationshipEntity 和关系之间的区别
difference between RelationshipEntity and relationship on Neo4j
使用简单的关系,您可以添加 ... CREATE (Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Agent Smith']}]->(TheMatrix) ...
我的问题是:什么时候使用 RelationshipEntity 合适?它会在关系数据库的关系 n:m 中吗?
为什么在 relationship-entity 中使用关系实体而不是简单的关系?
To access the full data model of graph relationships, POJOs can also be annotated with @RelationshipEntity, making them relationship entities. Just as node entities represent nodes in the graph, relationship entities represent relationships. Such POJOs allow you to access and manage properties on the underlying relationships in the graph.
CREATE (c:Customer {name:'User Test'})-[b:BUY {quantity:12}]->(i:Item {name:'Orange', price:15.0}) RETURN c,i
使用简单的关系,您可以添加 ... CREATE (Hugo)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Agent Smith']}]->(TheMatrix) ...
我的问题是:什么时候使用 RelationshipEntity 合适?它会在关系数据库的关系 n:m 中吗?
为什么在 relationship-entity 中使用关系实体而不是简单的关系?
To access the full data model of graph relationships, POJOs can also be annotated with @RelationshipEntity, making them relationship entities. Just as node entities represent nodes in the graph, relationship entities represent relationships. Such POJOs allow you to access and manage properties on the underlying relationships in the graph.
CREATE (c:Customer {name:'User Test'})-[b:BUY {quantity:12}]->(i:Item {name:'Orange', price:15.0}) RETURN c,i