在 data.table 中跨列应用函数,在 R 中使用 do.call 和 .SD
Apply Function Across Columns in data.table with do.call and .SD in R
我正在尝试创建一个 pmax
/ pmin
的变体,它与一个额外的 filter_value
参数一起工作,跨越一组使用 [=19 定义的任意列=] / .SDcols
。下面函数的第一个版本硬编码过滤器值,但适用于 .SD
testFuncV1 <- function(...) {
cols <- list(...)
num_cols <- length(cols)
num_records <- length(cols[[1]])
max_records <- c()
for (record_num in 1:num_records) {
v <- c()
for (l in cols) {
v <- c(v, l[[record_num]])
filt_v <- Filter(function(x) { x <= 1 }, v)
if (length(filt_v) == 0) {
max_records <- c(max_records, NA)
} else {
max_records <- c(max_records, max(filt_v))
test_dt_v1 <- data.table(a = c(1,3,5), b = c(2,3,-1), c = c(-3, 5, 2))
test_dt_v1[, max_with_filter := do.call(testFuncV1, .SD), .SDcols = c('a', 'b', 'c')]
a b c max_with_filter
1: 1 2 -3 1
2: 3 3 5 NA
3: 5 -1 2 -1
下面函数的第二个版本采用第二个 filter
参数,但我无法让它与 .SD
testFuncV2 <- function(cols, filter) {
num_cols <- length(cols)
num_records <- length(cols[[1]])
max_records <- c()
for (record_num in 1:num_records) {
v <- c()
for (l in cols) {
v <- c(v, l[[record_num]])
filt_v <- Filter(function(x) { x <= filter }, v)
if (length(filt_v) == 0) {
max_records <- c(max_records, NA)
} else {
max_records <- c(max_records, max(filt_v))
test_dt_v2 <- data.table(a = c(1,3,5), b = c(2,3,-1), c = c(-3, 5, 2))
test_dt_v2[, max_with_filter := do.call(testFuncV2, list(list(test_dt_v2$a, test_dt_v2$b, test_dt_v2$c), 1))]
a b c max_with_filter
1: 1 2 -3 1
2: 3 3 5 NA
3: 5 -1 2 -1
理想情况下,我可以使用 do.call
找出适用于 .SD
的方法,或者替换为适用于 lapply
这是一个使用 apply(MARGIN=1, ...)
func <- function(x, threshold) {
if (any(x <= threshold)) return(max(x[x <= threshold]))
test_dt_v1[, max_with_filter := apply(.SD, 1, func, threshold=1),
另一个使用 do.call
和 pmax
的选项,首先将大于 1 的值转换为 NA(想法来自 rowwise maximum for R)
test_dt_v1[, max_with_filter := do.call(pmax, c(`is.na<-`(.SD, .SD>1), na.rm=T))]
我正在尝试创建一个 pmax
/ pmin
的变体,它与一个额外的 filter_value
参数一起工作,跨越一组使用 [=19 定义的任意列=] / .SDcols
。下面函数的第一个版本硬编码过滤器值,但适用于 .SD
testFuncV1 <- function(...) {
cols <- list(...)
num_cols <- length(cols)
num_records <- length(cols[[1]])
max_records <- c()
for (record_num in 1:num_records) {
v <- c()
for (l in cols) {
v <- c(v, l[[record_num]])
filt_v <- Filter(function(x) { x <= 1 }, v)
if (length(filt_v) == 0) {
max_records <- c(max_records, NA)
} else {
max_records <- c(max_records, max(filt_v))
test_dt_v1 <- data.table(a = c(1,3,5), b = c(2,3,-1), c = c(-3, 5, 2))
test_dt_v1[, max_with_filter := do.call(testFuncV1, .SD), .SDcols = c('a', 'b', 'c')]
a b c max_with_filter
1: 1 2 -3 1
2: 3 3 5 NA
3: 5 -1 2 -1
下面函数的第二个版本采用第二个 filter
参数,但我无法让它与 .SD
testFuncV2 <- function(cols, filter) {
num_cols <- length(cols)
num_records <- length(cols[[1]])
max_records <- c()
for (record_num in 1:num_records) {
v <- c()
for (l in cols) {
v <- c(v, l[[record_num]])
filt_v <- Filter(function(x) { x <= filter }, v)
if (length(filt_v) == 0) {
max_records <- c(max_records, NA)
} else {
max_records <- c(max_records, max(filt_v))
test_dt_v2 <- data.table(a = c(1,3,5), b = c(2,3,-1), c = c(-3, 5, 2))
test_dt_v2[, max_with_filter := do.call(testFuncV2, list(list(test_dt_v2$a, test_dt_v2$b, test_dt_v2$c), 1))]
a b c max_with_filter
1: 1 2 -3 1
2: 3 3 5 NA
3: 5 -1 2 -1
理想情况下,我可以使用 do.call
找出适用于 .SD
的方法,或者替换为适用于 lapply
这是一个使用 apply(MARGIN=1, ...)
func <- function(x, threshold) {
if (any(x <= threshold)) return(max(x[x <= threshold]))
test_dt_v1[, max_with_filter := apply(.SD, 1, func, threshold=1),
另一个使用 do.call
和 pmax
的选项,首先将大于 1 的值转换为 NA(想法来自 rowwise maximum for R)
test_dt_v1[, max_with_filter := do.call(pmax, c(`is.na<-`(.SD, .SD>1), na.rm=T))]