如何在 Jasmine 中测试柯里化函数的结果?

How to test the result of a curried function in Jasmine?


为了简化问题,我创建了一个简单的测试套件,因此我们不关心使用 @cycle/Time。柯里化函数似乎是该函数的新实例。请看下面的代码。

我想知道我怎样才能让失败的测试通过?在这种情况下,我使用 bind 来模拟 curried 函数。这可能吗?

const a = () => b
const b = () => {}
const c = (arg) => b.bind(null, arg)
const d = () => () => {}

describe("curried function test", function() {

  it('should return a reference to b', () => {

  // This test fails because b.bind returns a new function.
  it('should return a reference to a curried b', () => {

  it('should create a new instance everytime', () => {


我已经设置了一个 jsfiddle here

"This test fails because b.bind returns a new function."

那是因为你从 c 得到的结果是 b.bind(null, arg) 的结果,这与 b 不同。
否则,b.bind 将是 修改 b.

正如 mdn 所说:

The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called.
(source, emphasis mine)

基本上,c 不能 return 引用 b.


const b = () => {};
const c = (arg) => b.bind(null, arg);

const e = c("foo");

console.log(e.name === `bound ${b.name}`);

因此,您可以测试 e.name 等于 "bound " + b.name