
Heap sort it not working or incorrect calculation



Your input is:
9 79 42 86 33 75

Your max-heap is:
86 79 42 75 33 9

Ascending numerical order:
86 79 42 75 33 9

如您所见,我最后的输出,升序数字顺序与 max-heap 的值相同,但这不是我所期望的。


计算工作原理的示例。 max-heap is: 86, 79, 42, 75, 33, 9. 在排序部分,我必须交换第一个和最后一个元素,然后忽略最后一个元素,所以堆排序结果应该是:9, 79, 42 , 75, 33, [86] (方括号表示忽略或删除)。我必须从之前的排序中再次进行 max-heap。第二个最大堆结果将是 79、75、9、42、33。当我返回排序时,我必须交换第一个和最后一个元素,然后再次忽略最后一个元素,因此最大堆是 79、75 , 9, 42, 33 堆排序结果应该是:33, 75, 9, 42, [79], [86]。我必须重新执行相同的步骤,直到所有数字都排序。


我的输入是 9, 79, 42, 86, 33, 75



有关更多示例,请访问网站 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heapsort#Example,请参阅示例 2 - 排序


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int heap[30];

void main()
int n, index, parent, flag, dummy;
n = 7; //size of table

// user input number
for (index = 1; index < 7; index++) 
    cout << "Enter value " << index << ": ";
    cin >> heap[index];

// output for user element
cout << "\nYour input is:\n";
for (index = 1; index < 7; index++) 
    cout << heap[index] << " ";

flag = 1;

while (flag == 1)
    flag = 0;

    for (index = 7; index >1; index--)
        parent = index / 2;
        if (heap[parent] < heap[index])
            dummy = heap[parent];
            heap[parent] = heap[index];
            heap[index] = dummy;
            flag = 1;

        // Sorting --> swap first and last of the array and then ignore the 
        //last array and reheap from above until all number sorted.

        while (heap[0] >= 1)
            int last = heap[0];
            int temp1 = heap[1];
            heap[1] = heap[last - 1];
            heap[last - 1] = temp1;

cout << "\n\nYour max-heap is:\n";
for (index = 1; index < 7; index++) // output for after heap
    cout << heap[index] << " ";

cout << "\n\nAscending numerical order:\n";
for (index = 1; index < 7; index++) //output for sorting.
    cout << heap[index] << " ";



    while (flag == 1)
    flag = 0;

    for (index = 6; index >1; index--)
        parent = index / 2;
        if (heap[parent] < heap[index])
            dummy = heap[parent];
            heap[parent] = heap[index];
            heap[index] = dummy;
            flag = 1;



我注意到的第一个是在你的 while 循环中

while (heap[0] >= 1) //heap[0] = 0 since you declared your array statically
        int last = heap[0]; // last = 0
        int temp1 = heap[1];
        heap[1] = heap[last - 1]; //trying to find element heap[-1] ERROR
        heap[last - 1] = temp1; //heap[-1] = heap[1]
        heap[0]--; //heap[0] = -1 why?

第二个是您在输入循环中从索引 1 开始并转到索引 6(代码中的第一个 for 循环),但是当您试图在第三个 for 循环中对堆产生一些影响时,您是从索引 7 开始,然后转到索引 2。

我在你的代码中找不到方法,所以我 post 我的。它遵循您 post 编辑的维基页面中的算法。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void build_heap(int *heap, int index)
       int new_input = heap[index], tmp = 0;
    //since your index starts from 1 and goes up to n in heap
    //parent from index k is (k%2==1) ? (k-1)/2 : k/2
    if(index % 2 == 1)
    if(heap[index/2] < new_input)

        tmp = heap[index/2];
        heap[index/2] = new_input;
        heap[index] = tmp;
        build_heap(heap, index/2);

void make_order_in_heap(int *heap, int n)
    int index = 1;
    int child_index;
    bool work = true;

    while(work && index < n)
        //finding child_index
        if( index * 2 + 1 <= n)
            child_index = heap[index*2] > heap[index*2+1] ? index*2 : index*2+1;
        else if(index * 2 <= n)
            child_index = index*2;
            //this index has no  children
        work = false;
        if(heap[child_index] > heap[index])
            int tmp = heap[index];
            heap[index] = heap[child_index];
            heap[child_index] = tmp;
            index = child_index;
            work = true;


void swap_first_and_last(int *heap, int n)
    int tmp = heap[1];
    heap[1] = heap[n];
    heap[n] = tmp;

void sort_heap(int *heap, int n)
    swap_first_and_last(heap, n);
    //we swaped first and last element in heap with n elements
    //so now first element in heap of n-1 elements is not on his      possiton
    make_order_in_heap(heap, n-1);
    sort_heap(heap, n-1);

int main()
int heap[30];
int n, index, parent, flag, dummy;
n = 7; 

for (index = 1; index <= n; index++) 
    cout << "Enter value " << index << ": ";
    cin >> heap[index];
    build_heap(heap, index);

cout << "\nYour input is:\n";
for (index = 1; index <= n; index++) 
    cout << heap[index] << " ";

sort_heap(heap, n);

cout << "\n Sorted array is:\n";
for (index = 1; index <= n; index++) 
    cout << heap[index] << " ";
return 0;