RunOnUiThread 加载失败,需要对象引用 (android)
RunOnUiThread fails to load, An object reference is required (android)
我有 2 个 class,一个叫 "Activity1",第二个叫 "JS2CS"。在 JS2C 中,我正在尝试更新我在 Activity1 中声明的 android 小部件 (SwipeRefreshLayout),我需要该小部件是静态的(以防万一这很重要)。
这是 Activity1 的简短版本
public class Activity1 : Activity
public static SwipeRefreshLayout refresher;
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
base.OnCreate (bundle);
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);
// The refresher - SwipeRefreshLayout
refresher = FindViewById<SwipeRefreshLayout> (Resource.Id.refresher);
refresher.SetColorScheme (Resource.Color.xam_dark_blue,
refresher.Refresh += HandleRefresh;
这是第二个 class JS2CS
public class JS2CS : Java.Lang.Object, Java.Lang.IRunnable
Context context;
public JS2CS (Context context)
this.context = context;
public void Run ()
Toast.MakeText (context, "true", ToastLength.Short).Show ();
Activity1.RunOnUiThread (() => refresher.Enabled = false); // <-- error !
因此调试此代码,因为它是 returns 一个 "An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property " 错误。
我将 "JS2CS" class 称为 Webview 的 java 库(它位于 Activity1 的 onCreate 中),以防万一:
web_view = FindViewById<WebView> (Resource.Id.webview);
web_view.SetWebViewClient (new webLinks ());
web_view.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true;
web_view.AddJavascriptInterface (new JS2CS (this), "JS2CS");
我正在使用 xamarin (c#),但两种语言(c# 和 java)的答案对我来说都很好。
"An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or
property "
因为这里 Activity1.RunOnUiThread
您试图在不使用实例的情况下从 Activity
访问 non-static
方法 RunOnUiThread
不是从 Activity1
参数化 JS2CS
class 构造函数以静态方式创建对象或访问视图以获取所有值:
Activity activity;
SwipeRefreshLayout refresher
public JS2CS (Context context,Activity activity,
SwipeRefreshLayout refresher)
this.context = context;
现在调用 RunOnUiThread
activity.RunOnUiThread (() => refresher.Enabled = false);
并在 activity 中将 JS2CS
对象传递给 AddJavascriptInterface
web_view.AddJavascriptInterface (new JS2CS (this,this,refresher),"JS2CS");
我有 2 个 class,一个叫 "Activity1",第二个叫 "JS2CS"。在 JS2C 中,我正在尝试更新我在 Activity1 中声明的 android 小部件 (SwipeRefreshLayout),我需要该小部件是静态的(以防万一这很重要)。
这是 Activity1 的简短版本
public class Activity1 : Activity
public static SwipeRefreshLayout refresher;
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
base.OnCreate (bundle);
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);
// The refresher - SwipeRefreshLayout
refresher = FindViewById<SwipeRefreshLayout> (Resource.Id.refresher);
refresher.SetColorScheme (Resource.Color.xam_dark_blue,
refresher.Refresh += HandleRefresh;
这是第二个 class JS2CS
public class JS2CS : Java.Lang.Object, Java.Lang.IRunnable
Context context;
public JS2CS (Context context)
this.context = context;
public void Run ()
Toast.MakeText (context, "true", ToastLength.Short).Show ();
Activity1.RunOnUiThread (() => refresher.Enabled = false); // <-- error !
因此调试此代码,因为它是 returns 一个 "An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property " 错误。
我将 "JS2CS" class 称为 Webview 的 java 库(它位于 Activity1 的 onCreate 中),以防万一:
web_view = FindViewById<WebView> (Resource.Id.webview);
web_view.SetWebViewClient (new webLinks ());
web_view.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true;
web_view.AddJavascriptInterface (new JS2CS (this), "JS2CS");
我正在使用 xamarin (c#),但两种语言(c# 和 java)的答案对我来说都很好。
"An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property "
因为这里 Activity1.RunOnUiThread
您试图在不使用实例的情况下从 Activity
访问 non-static
方法 RunOnUiThread
不是从 Activity1
参数化 JS2CS
class 构造函数以静态方式创建对象或访问视图以获取所有值:
Activity activity;
SwipeRefreshLayout refresher
public JS2CS (Context context,Activity activity,
SwipeRefreshLayout refresher)
this.context = context;
现在调用 RunOnUiThread
activity.RunOnUiThread (() => refresher.Enabled = false);
并在 activity 中将 JS2CS
对象传递给 AddJavascriptInterface
web_view.AddJavascriptInterface (new JS2CS (this,this,refresher),"JS2CS");