Angular 4 Cronstrue 概念 - 将 cron 表达式转换为字符串[从 CronJobs 到 Cronstrue]
Angular 4 Cronstrue Concept - converting cron expressions into strings[ From CronJobs into Cronstrue]
在 Angular 4.
中有将 cron 表达式转换为人类可读字符串的 crontrue 概念示例
我需要 angular 4 中的库或插件来将 cronjobs 计划表达式转换为人类可读的字符串[cronstrue]。
如果我使用 cron_expression 作为 :-
“0 15 * * * ?”
"At second :00 of minute :15 of every hour"
cRonstrue 作为 UMD 模块导出,因此它可以在 AMD、CommonJS 或浏览器全局上下文中工作。
npm install cronstrue
更多使用示例,包括 cRonstrue 如何处理一些非常
import cronstrue from 'cronstrue';
cronstrue.toString("* * * * *");
> "Every minute"
cronstrue.toString("0 23 ? * MON-FRI");
> "At 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday"
cronstrue.toString("23 12 * * SUN#2");
> "At 12:23 PM, on the second Sunday of the month"
cronstrue.toString("* * * ? * 2-6/2", { dayOfWeekStartIndexZero: false});
> "Every second, every 2 days of the week, Monday through Friday"
cronstrue.toString("* * * * *");
"Every minute"
cronstrue.toString("0 23 ? * 周一至周五");
"At 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday"
cronstrue.toString("23 12 * * SUN#2");
"At 12:23 PM, on the second Sunday of the month"
cronstrue.toString("* * * ? * 2-6/2", { dayOfWeekStartIndexZero: false});
"Every second, every 2 days of the week, Monday through Friday"
在 Angular 4.
中有将 cron 表达式转换为人类可读字符串的 crontrue 概念示例我需要 angular 4 中的库或插件来将 cronjobs 计划表达式转换为人类可读的字符串[cronstrue]。
如果我使用 cron_expression 作为 :-
“0 15 * * * ?”
"At second :00 of minute :15 of every hour"
cRonstrue 作为 UMD 模块导出,因此它可以在 AMD、CommonJS 或浏览器全局上下文中工作。
npm install cronstrue
更多使用示例,包括 cRonstrue 如何处理一些非常
import cronstrue from 'cronstrue';
cronstrue.toString("* * * * *");
> "Every minute"
cronstrue.toString("0 23 ? * MON-FRI");
> "At 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday"
cronstrue.toString("23 12 * * SUN#2");
> "At 12:23 PM, on the second Sunday of the month"
cronstrue.toString("* * * ? * 2-6/2", { dayOfWeekStartIndexZero: false});
> "Every second, every 2 days of the week, Monday through Friday"
cronstrue.toString("* * * * *");
"Every minute"
cronstrue.toString("0 23 ? * 周一至周五");
"At 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday"
cronstrue.toString("23 12 * * SUN#2");
"At 12:23 PM, on the second Sunday of the month"
cronstrue.toString("* * * ? * 2-6/2", { dayOfWeekStartIndexZero: false});
"Every second, every 2 days of the week, Monday through Friday"