select 行如何具有不同的列值并共享相同的列 [日期值]

How select rows that have differents column values and share the same column [date value]


│Machine_N│      Date      │      Action    │
│      RS1│ 2018-02-08     │        Reading │
│      RS1│ 2018-02-08     │       Referred │
│      RS1│ 2018-02-16     │        Reading │
│      RS2│ 2018-01-31     │        Reading │
│      RS2│ 2018-01-31     │       Referred │

如何仅 select 日期相同的操作,这样结果集将是:

│Machine_N│      Date      │      Action    │
│      RS1│ 2018-02-08     │        Reading │
│      RS1│ 2018-02-08     │       Referred │
│      RS2│ 2018-01-31     │        Reading │
│      RS2│ 2018-01-31     │       Referred │

我尝试了 having count 子句,但没有成功。任何帮助将不胜感激。

假设你没有重复项,你可以使用 exists:

select t.*
from t
where exists (select 1 from t t2 where t2.machine_n = t.machine_n and = and t2.action <> t.action);

另一种方法使用 window 函数:

select t.*
from (select t.*, count(*) over (partition by machine_n, date) as cnt
      from t
     ) t
where cnt > 1;


select * 
from table t
where date = (select top (1) [date] 
              from table 
              where machine_n = t.machine_n 
              group by date
              order by COUNT(1) desc

然而,并不是大多数 DBMS 都有 TOP 子句,因此您可以使用 LIMIT 子句代替

select * 
from table t
where date = (select [date] 
              from table 
              where machine_n = t.machine_n 
              group by date
              order by COUNT(1) desc
              LIMIT 1